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Andrew Simpson Portrait
Barts Bash
The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation
You are invited to take part in
the largest sailing event in the world
World Record Attempt

21st September 2014

Bart's Bash

Map of clubs signed up to Barts Bash hosted by Yachts and Yachting

What is Bart's Bash?

Dinghy sailing boats in a race

The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation is planning a monster sized attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for 'The Largest Sailing Event in the World', which we are calling 'Bart's Bash'!

The idea is to have a mass participation club race across the UK and the whole World. We know that pretty much every club has a race on Sunday morning, with all kinds of boats taking part, the goal is to get everyone participating together to create one big event race. If we can get hundreds of clubs taking part, with just their normal sailors racing on the water, we will generate thousands of Guinness World Record Holders in Andrew 'Bart' Simpson's name.

Jez Payne from 'The Bart Project' commented "It is one of those ideas that has huge potential to be a major, major event that absolutely honours the core of what Andrew was about".

If you are the right person to sign your club up then please email tim@bartsbash.co.uk on the button below. An event briefing for clubs & competitors is going to be launched on the 1st of February and there will be further dates when more event details will be published in the run up to Bart's Bash.

'Bart's Bash' Sunday 21st September.

Clubs Sign-Up Here

ASSF Bart's Bash Clubs

511 clubs signed up so far

ASSF Bart's Bash Clubs

Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation

Andrew Simpson was a gold and silver Olympic medallist, an America’s Cup professional and an all round fantastic man who was tragically killed in a training accident on San Francisco Bay in May 2013.

Andrew, or ‘Bart’ to his friends, was the person that everyone turned to for guidance, from beginners to people at the top of their game. Supporting the next generation was something he was extremely passionate about.

Founded by Sir Ben Ainslie, Iain Percy OBE, Andrew’s wife Leah and his sister Amanda, the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation will work to honour Andrew’s life and legacy by encouraging youngsters into sailing.

Let's make it happen

Newsletter Sign-Up

To organise the largest dinghy, yacht and all types of sailing event ever we need lots of sailors and lots of support. We are inviting all Sailing venues across the world to be part of this history day by hosting one of the 'Bart's Bash' events and make the record happen! 

If you can help, or would like to sign up to our newsletter please complete the form below and click 'keep me informed' to submit.

Thank you in advance,

Ben, Iain, Leah, Amanda and the Bart's Bash team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about the event on our F.A.Q. page.

Frequently Asked Questions

"We firmly hope this event will inspire sailors young and old, beginners to professionals with clubs getting involved to capture people's imagination and create thousands of Guinness World Record Holders"

Sir Ben Ainslie

"I am positive that it will not only receive enormous support from the UK but worldwide too, its going to be a colossal event"

Iain Percy OBE