Report fails to recognise importance of robust evidence in MCZ process 

Report fails to recognise importance of robust evidence in MCZ process.

Back in the Spring the RYA gave evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee’s examination of a range of topics relating to Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ).

The Committee has now published its findings and the RYA is discouraged by its recommendations that Government should ‘follow a precautionary principle approach to designations based if need be on ‘the best available data’ and the impact this may have on recreational boating.

Government had originally committed in 2010 to make designations of MCZs on the basis of ‘best available evidence’. However, Government advisory bodies* indicated that whilst recommendations could be made on that basis, designations should require higher levels of evidence.

“It is our view that a strong evidence base is essential to support decisions that could have socio-economic impacts and effects on people’s livelihoods. Simply relying on the “best available evidence”, irrespective of its scientific rigour, is in our view unacceptable” says Caroline Price, RYA Planning and Environmental Manager.

“As the sites being considered for designation in Tranche 2 (T2) are notably more contentious than those put forward in Tranche 1 the need for robust data becomes even more important. Not only is quality data necessary from a scientific perspective, it is essential for stakeholder confidence.

“Successful management of any future MCZs will rely on buy-in from the local and wider community. If decisions are made on poor data this process is likely to be hamstrung from the outset.”

Lack of information from Government

The RYA does welcome many of the recommendations made in the report. In particular the absence of any comprehensive published explanation of many aspects of the marine conservation zone (MCZ) process remains an on-going issue for all stakeholders. Defra’s selective approach to stakeholder engagement in relation to Tranche 2 (T2) merely exacerbates stakeholders’ concerns in this regard.

Lack of clarity on management measures

We have consistently articulated the need for management measures to form an integral part of the designation process. Without clarity on what designation will actually mean for boaters it is extremely difficult to analyse the potential impact of any proposed MCZ.

The RYA remains supportive of the principle of marine protected areas and will continue to vigorously to represent the interests of recreational boaters as the MCZ process progresses.

The Environmental Audit Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to consider to what extent the policies and programmes of government departments and non-deprtmental boaides contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development; to audit their performance against such targets as may be set for them by Her Majesty’s Ministers; and to report thereon to the House.

Image courtesy of Marine Scotland Image Bank

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Article Published: June 27, 2014 10:04


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