ilovesailing announce calendar competition winners for May 

Nick Wake and Peter Gowing claim their places on the 2015 ilovesailing calendar...

Nick Wake from Odiham and Peter Gowing from Whitstable have been crowned the May winners in the ilovesailing calendar competition.  

Chosen from over 30 outstanding entries Nick and Peter clinch themselves a spot on the 2015 ilovesailing calendar, along with tickets to the PSP Southampton Boat Show in September, a canvas print of their winning photo, a copy of the calendar and of course the much coveted ilovesailing rubber duck!  

“I am really so pleased to have had my picture selected for the 2015 calendar” commented Nick, whose winning photo was taken at Draycote Water Sailing Club.   

“Sailing is a beautiful sport, and I hope that is reflected in the way that picture. Being at one with the elements is what makes sailing special for me, and that’s what I hope that picture shows.”  

Peter’s winning entry was taken by Whitstable Sailing Club Commodore Richard Earland whilst riding the wave in his Laser on a breezy summer’s day.  

“As Laser Class Captain, I felt the photo captured some of the fantastic sailing conditions that we have here at Whitstable, which has the largest Laser fleet in the South-East”, commented Peter.  

“The image was captured on a Go Pro camera and required a little bit of enhancing, which was done using photo shop ACR and applying lens correction for Go Pro.  We then lightened the shadows, added a little clarity, darkened the sky and then selectively lightning some of the hi-lights.  Thanks go to Richard Earland for the photo and Stuart France for the photo enhancement.”  

You can view all the calendar competition entries on the ilovesailing Facebook page        

The ilovesailing calendar competition runs from March through to August 2014, with two photo winners being picked each month to appear on the 2015 calendar.  

 “Once again the judges had their work cut out choosing just two winners this month for the calendar”, commented ilovesailing co-ordinator Emma Slater. 

“From beautiful sunsets and sunrises to dramatic racing shots, the images submitted for the calendar have been amazing.  Luckily we still have six more winners to choose so there is plenty of time to submit your favourite shot and be in with a chance to claiming a place on the 2015 calendar.”  

How to take part

All you have to do to take part is post your favourite sailing photo(s) on to the ilovesailing Facebook page or email your entry to, it’s that easy.  

Two winners will be picked each month and will be announced on the ilovesailing Facebook page and/or contacted via email.  All winners will also receive a copy of the calendar when it is completed as part of their prize package.  

The calendars will go on sale at the PSP Southampton Boat Show 2014, with the first 50 people to purchase a copy at the show also receiving their very own red, ilovesailing rubber duck.  

As well as the new calendar competition the ilovesailing page will continue to run its ever popular weekly caption competition, giving you a chance to share your funny, clever and witty captions in a bid to win an ilovesailing duck.  

Come along to the page at and get involved.

Contact Us

Article Published: June 27, 2014 9:25


Tagged with: Dinghy Cruising, Dinghy Racing, Yacht Cruising, Yacht Racing

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