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Historical weather data request

Windfinder has a large weather data archive of wind and weather reports. Data availability depends on the weather station, for some station weather data is available since 1999. You can purchase this data in raw or graphical form depending on your needs. Please note that this data is based on observations of more than 13000 weather stations.

Weather parameters

The available weather parameters depend on the weather station. In general, we have the following values available:

  • Wind speed, -direction, -gusts
  • Air temperature
  • Air pressure
  • Cloud cover
  • Weather
  • Precipitation
  • Wave height, -period, -direction


The price for weather data depends on three factors: the number of weather stations, the number of desired weather parameters and the amount of data. To give you a first offer we created the calculator.

Please note that these values are for your information only. If you would like to have a concrete offer, please fill out the following fields and click "Send". We will check the detailed availability and contact you with an offer as soon as possible.

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