Sir Ben Ainslie launches British America's Cup Challenge 

Sir Ben Ainslie today launched his bid to win the America’s Cup, the 163-year old trophy never won by Great Britain.

 The Duchess of Cambridge, a keen sailor herself, attended the launch at the Royal Museums Greenwich to show her support for the campaign.  

The four-time Olympic gold medal winner, Sir Ben, who announced his challenge with Yacht Squadron Racing, said: “This is the last great historic sporting prize never won by Great Britain. It has always been my ambition to mount a home challenge. The time is right and I am hugely encouraged by the support we are getting, not least from the Duchess of Cambridge. I learned a great deal aboard Oracle in San Francisco and I would not be challenging if I did not believe we have a real chance of winning this time.”  

Ainslie became the world’s most successful Olympic sailor after winning a fourth gold medal in London 2012, and quickly turned his attention to his long term ambition – winning the America’s Cup for Britain. In 2013, Ainslie became the first Briton to be part of a winning America’s Cup team in 110 years with ORACLETEAM USA.  

The team announced that it will be representing Yacht Squadron Racing, which is affiliated to the Royal Yacht Squadron, and it means that should Ben Ainslie Racing (BAR) be successful and win the Cup for Britain it will bring it back to Cowes and the place where it all began 163 years ago.   Read more here  

RYA Sport Development Manager Duncan Truswell said: “We saw national interest and pride in Ben's achievements in helping Oracle Team USA win the America's Cup last year and it will be incredible to have the whole country rooting for a British entry in the next Cup.

"Any high profile event in sailing is great for the sport and inevitably filters down to encourage even more interest at sailing clubs across the country. While the America's Cup is the Formula One of sailing and the boats aren’t the ones you’d see at local sailing clubs, the majority of sailors competing will have learned to sail dinghies and had their talents nurtured at these local clubs.  A number of British sailors involved in America’s Cup sailing are Olympians or have come through the RYA’s World Class Programme during their careers.”  

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Article Published: June 10, 2014 15:44


Tagged with: Yacht Racing

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