
W3C Announces Program, Opens Registration for 20th Anniversary Symposium

18 June 2014 | Archive

W3C20 logo W3C today announced the program and opened registration for W3C20 Anniversary Symposium: The Future of the Web, which takes place 29 October in Santa Clara, California.

Confirmed speakers are:

  • Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web and W3C Director
  • Vinton Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google
  • Fadi Chehadé, Chief Executive Officer of ICANN
  • David-Michel Davies, Executive Director, The Webby Awards & the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences
  • Di-Ann Eisnor, Head of Platforms and Partnerships, Community Geographer at Waze
  • Sue Gardner, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation
  • Alberto Ibargüen, President and CEO, Knight Foundation
  • Jun Murai, Dean and Professor at Keio University
  • Sandy Pentland, Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT
  • Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project
  • Anders Wahlquist, CEO and Founding Partner of B-Reel

Please join Tim Berners-Lee and other global strategists, business leaders and developers for an exciting afternoon of insights and discussion about how to keep the Web strong, followed by a gala dinner. W3C will also live stream the Symposium.

W3C20 is made possible by the generosity of sponsors Intel (Platinum), ICANN (Silver), and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (Silver).

Registration is open to the public for a limited number of seats. Read the full media advisory and follow us in social media with #W3C20.

Using WAI-ARIA in HTML Draft Published

26 June 2014 | Archive

The HTML Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of Using WAI-ARIA in HTML. Using WAI-ARIA in HTML is a practical guide for developers on how to to add accessibility information to HTML elements using the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) specification, which defines a way to make Web content and Web applications more accessible to people with disabilities. WAI-ARIA is introduced in the WAI-ARIA Overview. Using WAI-ARIA in HTML is developed by the HTML Accessibility Task Force in coordination with the HTML Working Group and the WAI Protocols and Formats Working Group (PFWG). Learn more about the HTML Activity and the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Last Call: Geometry Interfaces Module Level 1

26 June 2014 | Archive

The CSS Working Group and the SVG Working Group have published a Last Call Working Draft of Geometry Interfaces Module Level 1. This specification provides basic geometric interfaces to represent points, rectangles, quadrilaterals and transformation matrices that can be used by other modules or specifications. CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, in speech, etc. Comments are welcome through 7 August 2014. Learn more about the Style Activity and the Graphics Activity.

First Public Working Draft of IndieUI: User Context for web interface preferences

26 June 2014 | Archive

The IndieUI Working Group today published a First Public Working Draft of IndieUI: User Context 1.0 – Contextual Information for User Interface Independence. It defines a set of preferences that users can choose to expose to web applications, and an API for user agents to access the preferences and listen for changes. Users can set preferences for features such as screen size, font size, and color. Users with disabilities can provide information about assistive technologies in use, indicate that the display is in an accessibility mode, and indicate what kind of subtitles and audio descriptions they need. Web applications can use this information to optimize the presentation without a requirement to target a specific device, operating system, or locale. IndieUI: User Context complements IndieUI: Events 1.0 to provide web application developers a uniform way to design web applications that work in a wide range of contexts — different devices (such as mobile phones and tablets), different assistive technologies (AT), different user needs. Comments on this Draft are encouraged by 1 August 2014. Learn more from the IndieUI Overview; read about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer Draft Published

26 June 2014 | Archive

The Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group has published a Working Draft of Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer. This primer provides an introduction to the Linked Data Platform (LDP), with examples illustrating the principal concepts such as the notion of an LDP resource and the LDP container and how they can be used by Web clients. Two sample scenarios show how an LDP client can interact with a LDP server in the context of a read-write Linked Data application i.e. how to use HTTP for accessing, updating, creating and deleting resources from servers that expose their resources as Linked Data. Learn more about the Data Activity.

Last Call: Beacon, Resource Timing Candidate Recommendation Updated

24 June 2014 | Archive

The Web Performance Working Group has published a Last Call Working Draft of Beacon. This specification defines an interoperable means for site developers to asynchronously transfer small HTTP data from the User Agent to a web server. Comments are welcome through 29 July 2014.

The group also updated the Candidate Recommendation of Resource Timing. This specification defines an interface for web applications to access the complete timing information for resources in a document.

Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

RDF 1.1 Primer Note Published

24 June 2014 | Archive

The RDF Working Group has published a Group Note of RDF 1.1 Primer. This primer is designed to provide the reader with the basic knowledge required to effectively use RDF. It introduces the basic concepts of RDF and shows concrete examples of the use of RDF. Learn more about the Data Activity.

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