Twitter Card Analytics

Updated on Thu, 2014-06-19 21:22


Twitter Cards allow you to attach rich media experiences to Tweets about your content; Twitter Card analytics gives you related insights into how your content is being shared on Twitter.

Through personalized data and best practices,Twitter Card analytics reveals how you can improve key metrics such as URL clicks, app install attempts and Retweets.


Your Snapshot

Your Snapshot provides a holistic view of how your content is performing on Twitter, showing the number of Tweets containing a link to your website or app.

Tweets: The overall data (larger circles) for Tweets, impressions, clicks, app install attempts and Retweets include all Tweets containing a link to your website, posted by anyone on Twitter..

Your Tweets: The inlaid data (smaller circles) includes Tweets linking to your website which originated from Twitter accounts you own.

Change Over Time

Provides a look at how the overall data in Your Snapshot has changed over time.

Card Types

Compares the top performing Twitter Cards that drove clicks, allowing you to measure the results from different types of cards that you have implemented.

This section also includes average click-through rates for other sites, allowing you to compare your results with those of other sites.


Segments the apps, websites, and widgets that your influencers tweet from.

Ranks the pages with Twitter Cards that got the most clicks, making it possible to determine what content is driving the most interaction.


Surfaces the top accounts that tweeted links to your content, so that you have the option to converse with influencers.


Indicates the percentage of users that have viewed your Twitter Cards that also have your app installed.

Pro Tips

  • Test different types of cards. Every site is different, and Twitter Card analytics will help you measure which cards yield the most engagement with your content.
  • Compare your metrics to the averages. Twitter Card analytics contain network averages for each card type, which can help you benchmark your results.
  • Monitor links for clicks and retweets. By tracking the specific pages on your site that get the most engagement on Twitter, you can uncover trends relating to what content is resonating with your audience.
  • Engage with Influencers. Twitter Card analytics make it possible determine who is sharing your content with the most velocity - make sure to engage with these accounts to promote further interaction!
  • Use the proper meta tags. Even if you have already implemented Twitter Cards, double check to make sure you are using the twitter: site meta tag on all your pages.

Other Dashboards

In addition to the Twitter Card analytics dashboard, there are also two other dashboards available on They are:

Tweets Dashboard: Engagement around your own Tweets.

Followers Dashboard: Demographic information about your followers, and follower growth over time.

Getting Started

Once you have successfully implemented Twitter Cards on your site, Twitter Card analytics will be available to your primary account and other Twitter accounts to which you grant access.

If you have not yet implemented Twitter Cards, you can get started here!