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2013-06-02 01:34:13 2013-07-24 01:59:43      

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The date range available is based on information in your log. Your log is operating at 100% capacity and dates back to 01:34:13 on 2 June 2013.Ask your admin about increasing your log size

01:00 22 Jul to 01:59 24 Jul, 2013  edit range

Visit Length Pie Chart

 Visit Length 
167 VisitsLess than 5 secs
35 VisitsFrom 5 secs to 30 secs
40 VisitsFrom 30 secs to 5 mins
6 VisitsFrom 5 mins to 20 mins
2 VisitsFrom 20 mins to an hour
17 VisitsLonger than an hour

drill down Drill down the data - show the visitors with the shortest or longest visitor length.

What can I learn from the 'Visit Length' stat?

The time between when a visitor accesses your first webpage of their visit, and when they access the last is what we call the 'Visit Length'. Unfortunately it is not possible to detect with the Standard StatCounter Project when they left your website for a different website. Instead we take the time they accessed your last webpage of their visit as their 'exit time'. Although this isn't 100% accurate it is very close and nonetheless provides a valuable insight into your visitors.

Based on this information you can see how much 'pull' and 'interest' your website is generating for your visitors. If you have a low 'Visit Length' you may want to think up more ways to encourage your visitors to stay around for longer. Offer them something more.

Common problem with Visit Length Stats

If you only install the StatCounter code on one page of your website and your visitors never reload that one page. Then your visit length will always be less than 5 seconds! It is highly recommended to install the same code on all pages of your website you want to track.