Enabling web notifications

A web notification is a pop-up notification that appears within your web browser to notify you about DMs, follows, favorites, Tweets and Retweets, from people you follow, when you are logged in to twitter.com.

From a web notification, you can easily reply to a Tweet or DM, retweet or favorite a Tweet, or follow someone back.

Managing your web notification preferences:

  1. Log in to twitter.com.
  2. Click on the gear icon and select Settings from drop down menu.
  3. Click on Web notifications from the settings sidebar.
  4. Check or un-check the boxes for the notifications you wish to receive, or change the drop-down selections to see notifications Tailored for you (based on who you you follow) or By anyone.
  5. Click Save changes. Your preferences are now saved!

When will I receive web notifications?

Whether you've opted to receive notifications Tailored for you or By anyone, we strive to make sure we notify you only when it's most relevant. You may not receive a notification every time there is activity related to you and your Tweets. To see a full list of your interactions, check your Notifications tab.

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