Duke of Edinburgh


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The Handbook for

DofE Leaders

Since releasing The Handbook for DofE Leaders 6th edition back in September 2008, there have been a number of significant  changes to the way DofE programmes are delivered and achieved  by our participants.

Nearly three years on, we have carried out some updates to the Handbook to bring it up to date. This ensures that references to changes over that time, such as eDofE, the Achievement Pack and Approved Activity Providers (AAPs), are referred to clearly throughout and to provide full explanations of each of these new topic areas.

So what’s new?

  • New: Our structure, to include new terminology such as Licensed Organisations (LOs), Directly Licensed Centres (DLCs), National Operating Authorities (NOAs), Operating Authorities (OAs) and DofE Business Partners, with an explanation of each.
  • New: Introduction of eDofE including: Leaders’ responsibilities, using it to keep in touch and aid completion, how to use it as a management tool.
  • New: Introduction of the Welcome Pack – an outline of what it is and what’s included.
  • New: Introduction of the Achievement Pack – an outline of what it is and its benefits.
  • New: Adding in some more clarity on Assessor’s reports.
  • New: Information on the new DofE Award Verifier role and the Award approval process.
  • New: In the Expedition section,information about eDofE Mapping, what it is and how it can be used.
  • Updated and new: A fuller, moredetailed glossary to include all of ournewest terms.
  • Updated and new: A fuller, more detailed index to make the Handbook even easier to navigate.

What’s been updated?

  • Updated: The DofE’s latest statistics.
  • Updated: Stressing the importance of a programme that is personal to the young person, with objectives set by them.
  • Updated: Stressing increased employability as a benefit of undertaking DofE programmes.
  • Updated: Reinforcing the message about insurance responsibilities for Leaders.
  • Updated: In the Skills section, we’ve updated the example sectional activities, to keep up with changing technologies.
  • Updated: The Expedition section in the Handbook now contains all of the rules associated with DofE expeditions
  • Updated: In the Handbook’s Expedition section, more clarity on alternative modes of travel, particularly sailing.
  • Updated: In the Handbook’s Residential section, additional information to guide the decision on the suitability of a residential activity, including five key considerations.
  • Updated: Information given on the training opportunities available for Leaders.
  • Updated: Clarity provided regarding AAPs, who they are and how they work.

We hope that the new edition will be of great use to you in your DofE work. Copies are available from  www.DofEshop.org priced £6.50 plus p&p.