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Satisfaction survey

We are pleased to report the results of our most recent customer satisfaction survey, checking that we provide the type and quality of services that you want and need, and exploring ways in which we can improve them.

  • 98% of our customers reported that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the service that we provide, reflecting the commitment to our clients that we strive for. 
  • 98% of our customers also said that they would recommend our services to their friends and colleagues – not something that is done lightly. 
  • And the real test of our broker services – 96% of our customers were satisfied with the outcome of their claims experience too. 

Fuelling our ongoing commitment to the competitive and high levels of service that we offer, as well as our reputation in the market, we continue to review and improve to bring our customers the best possible insurance solutions.



Our client satisfaction survey results PDF document - 4.1 MB - 06/03/2014