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BSAC travel insurance

If you are planning to book your next diving trip, you may need a policy to cover your trip not only for cancellation, baggage loss and medical expenses but also to protect your diving equipment and from potential accidents while diving.

Call us today:
0800 783 8057

Request a quote

Whilst standard travel insurance policies will cover reasonable water related activities including some of those that will protect you under the water while snorkelling or scuba diving, you may find that the cover won’t extend to the higher level you may intend to take the sport.

If your planned diving activity falls outside the standard remit, like diving beyond depths of 30 metres, you will need a more specialised travel insurance policy. We can cover you to the depth you are qualified for as long as you are diving within your BSAC safety recommendations.

Our BSAC members travel insurance has been developed to provide valuable cover which is especially suited to diving overseas. The cover is wide, and we think you will like the price. 

Travel insurance features and benefits

From a single trip covering the duration of the journey through to annual multitrip covering unlimited number of trips within a year, BSAC members benefit from wide levels of cover:

  • medical and repatriation expenses including the costs of hyperbaric treatment
  • sea ambulance rescue
  • cancellation and curtailment
  • loss of dive days
  • hire of dive equipment
  • journey continuation and delay
  • personal liability
  • legal expenses
  • personal accident
  • personal baggage and money
  • dive and camera equipment
  • winter sports extension
  • UK/Europe and worldwide available.

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Call us today:

0800 783 8057


Existing customers

If you are an existing customer:

Notify a claim

Request a call - BSAC

To enquire about the insurance for BSAC members and clubs, fill in your details below and Bishop Skinner Marine team will contact you.
