GET users/contributors

Updated on Wed, 2012-09-05 11:06

Returns a collection of users who can contribute to the specified account.

Resource URL


A user_id or screen_name is required.

user_id optional

The ID of the user for whom to return results for.

screen_name optional

The screen name of the user for whom to return results for.

include_entities optional

The entities node will be disincluded when set to false.

Example Values: false

skip_status optional

When set to either true, t or 1 statuses will not be included in the returned user objects.

Example Request


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  41.       "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "17346623",
  42.       "text": "@dhg no.2 - 1 doesn't say anything as 2 and 3 differ. as 1 is silent, 2 assumes he's opposite of 3 and calls out his hat colour /cc @sof",
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  93.     "description": "Director, Platform at Twitter. Detroit and Boston export. Foodie and over-the-hill hockey player. @devon's lesser half",
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