Népszerű filmek Krimi műfajban

A Keresztapa

A Keresztapa Mario Puzo azonos című regényéből készült 1972-ben bemutatott világhírű filmdráma Francis Ford Coppola rendezésében Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall és James Caan főszereplésével. A film Coppola Keresztapa-trilógiájának első része.
A szervezett alvilág megszámlálhatatlanul sok filmnek szolgált alapötletéül, azonban A Keresztapa szinte vitathatatlanul a legfontosabb film mind közül. Francis Ford Coppola felejthetetlen alkotását olyan neves, és a témában szintén felettébb jártasnak mondható rendezők, mint például Martin Scorsese vagy Brian De Palma is csak megközelíteni tudták, ám azt az összhatást, amit A Keresztapa nyújt, túlszárnyalni nem voltak képesek. Coppola műve nem csak egyszerűen egy történetet visz vászonra: mozijában elsősorban a cselekmény közege az, amit be kíván mutatni a közönségének. A film kesernyés világát az operatőr, Gordon Willis képei keltik életre. A megdöbbentő érzékkel megválasztott színek, fények, valamint kamerabeállítások eredményeként a képei egyedülálló hangulatot kölcsönöznek a történetnek. Ehhez a világhoz legalább ennyire hozzátartozik még Nino Rota legendássá vált zenéje. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Keresztapa, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

A Keresztapa II.

A Keresztapa II. egy 1974-ben bemutatott színes amerikai film Francis Ford Coppola rendezésében, mely A Keresztapa c. film folytatása.
A Keresztapa második epizódja részben az első részt megelőző, részben azt követő cselekményeket mutat be. Ahogy Francis Ford Coppola az 1974-es Oscar-gálán, a legjobb rendezőnek járó díj köszönőbeszédében elmondta: „Charlie Bluhdorn ötlete volt. Amikor meghallottam, mondtam neki: „A Keresztapának folytatást készíteni garantált bukást jelent, és mindent elveszíthetek, amit eddig sikerült elérnem.” Örülök neki, hogy megpróbáltam.” (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Keresztapa_II., CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Ne bántsátok a feketerigót!

Gregory Peck won an Oscar for his brilliant performance as the Southern lawyer who defends a black man accused of rape in this film version of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. The way in which it captures a time, a place, and above all, a mood, makes this film a masterpiece. The setting is a dusty Southern town during the Depression. A white woman accuses a black man of rape. Though he is obviously innocent, the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no lawyer will step forward to defend him except Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck), the town's most distinguished citizen. His compassionate defense costs him many friendships but earns him the respect and admiration of his two motherless children.

Nem vénnek való vidék

A Nem vénnek való vidék 2007-ben bemutatott amerikai film Joel és Ethan Coen írásában-rendezésében, Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones és Javier Bardem főszereplésével. A Cormac McCarthy azonos című regénye alapján készült alkotás egy balul elsült kábítószerüzlet és az ennek következményeképp kialakuló, drámai hajsza történetét meséli el, amiben három férfi keresztezi egymás útját az 1980-as nyugat-texasi sivatag sivár közegében.
A filmet hatalmas kritikai ováció kísérte. A Chicago Sun-Times munkatársa, Roger Ebert véleménye szerint a Nem vénnek való vidék „a legjobb film, amit a Coen fivérek…valaha csináltak.” A The Guardian újságírója szavait idézve a film bebizonyította, „hogy a Coenek technikai képességei, s érzékük a tájalapú westernhez Anthony Mannt és Sam Peckinpah-t idézik, s erre csak kevés élő rendező képes.”
Az eredeti cím William Butler Yeats Hajózás Bizáncba című versének első sorát veszi kölcsön, ami Jékely Zoltán fordításában így hangzik: „Vénnek nem jó e táj.”
A Nem vénnek való vidék 4 Oscar-díjat nyert 2008-ban, köztük a legjobb filmnek járót. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Isten városa

Az Isten városa egy 2002-es brazil-francia filmdráma, amelyet Fernando Meirelles rendezett, forgatókönyvét Paulo Lins műve alapján Bráulio Mantovani írta.


Vadállatok egy 2012-ben készült amerikai bűnözős-thriller, melyet Oliver Stone rendezett. A film Don Winslow regényével azonos nevű. A filmet 2012. július 6.-án jelent meg, és a főszereplők Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Johnson, Demian Bichir, Benicio del Toro, Salma Hayek, John Travolta és Emile Hirsch. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

New York bandái

This motion picture event from acclaimed director Martin Scorsese earned 10 Academy Award® nominations including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor, along with 5 Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Song! Leonardo DiCaprio (TITANIC), Cameron Diaz (CHARLIE'S ANGELS), and Daniel Day- Lewis (THE BOXER) star in this epic tale of vengeance and survival! As waves of immigrants swell the population of New York, lawlessness and corruption thrive in lower Manhattan's Five Points section. After years of incarceration, young Irish immigrant Amsterdam Vallon (DiCaprio) returns seeking revenge against the rival gang leader (Day-Lewis) who killed his father. But Amsterdam's personal vendetta becomes part of the gang warfare that erupts as he and his fellow Irishmen fight to carve a place for themselves in their newly adopted homeland!


A Ponyvaregény egy 1994-ben bemutatott, 154 perces, színes amerikai film.
A Ponyvaregény forgatókönyvét eredetileg Roger Avary írta, Tarantino csak azután kezdte átitatni a számára oly kedves francia újhullámos filmek hangulatával – és azzal a bizonyos „f”-betűs angol szóval, ami 265 alkalommal csúszik ki a szereplők szájából – miután megvette tőle a történet jogát. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Blue Ruin

A mysterious outsider's quiet life is turned upside down when he returns home seeking vengeance. Proving himself an amateur assassin, he winds up in a brutal fight to protect his estranged family.

A Keresztapa III.

A Keresztapa III. 1990-ben bemutatott színes, amerikai filmdráma Francis Ford Coppola rendezésében. Parádés szereposztás kíséretében e nagyszabású film méltó lezárása a filmtörténet legklasszikusabb trilógiájának.
A Keresztapa III.-ban a filmtörténelem legnagyobb családregénye folytatódik. Al Pacino a hatvanas éveiben járó mindenható Keresztapa, akit két cél vezérel: hogy családját letérítse a bűn útjáról, és hogy megfelelő utódot találjon magának. Lehet, hogy ez az utód a heves Vincent lesz… de lehet, hogy épp ő az, aki Michael álmait a törvényes üzletről az erőszak poklává változtatja. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Keresztapa_III., CC-BY-SA 3.0)


A Layer Cake egy 2004-es angol krimi, amelyet Matthew Vaughn rendezett, forgatókönyvét J.J. Connolly írta.

Hideg nyomon

A Hideg nyomon egy 2007-es bűnügyi filmdráma, Ben Affleck első rendezése. A forgatókönyvet Dennis Lehane regénye alapján Affleck és Aaron Stockard írta. A főszerepben a rendező öccse, Casey Affleck, illetve Michelle Monaghan látható, mint két magándetektív, akik egy négy éves elrabolt kislány után nyomoznak Boston egyik körzetében, Dorchesterben. A további szereplők között találjuk Morgan Freemant, Ed Harrist és az alakításáért számos díjban részesült Amy Ryant.
A film bemutatója 2007. október 19-én volt Észak-Amerikában. Az Egyesült Királyságban ugyanezen év december 28-ára volt kitűzve a premier, azonban a film tartalma és Madeleine McCann eltűnése közötti hasonlóságok miatt egy későbbi időpontra, 2008. június 6-ára halasztották. Magyarországon január 10-én mutatta be a Fórum Hungary.
A Hideg nyomont Oscar- és Golden Globe-díjra jelölték a legjobb mellékszereplő színésznő kategóriában. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hideg_nyomon, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Vörös sárkány

A Vörös sárkány Thomas Harris amerikai író 1981-ben megjelent regénye, az úgynevezett Hannibal-tetralógia második darabja, amelyet Harris elsőként írt. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Angyalok és démonok

Az Angyalok és démonok színes, amerikai egész estés film. 2009-ben bemutatott krimi, misztikus film és thriller, mely a Columbia Pictures által készült. A filmet az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban 2009. május 15-én, Magyarországon 2009. május 13-án mutatták be. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)


Vadállatok egy 2012-ben készült amerikai bűnözős-thriller, melyet Oliver Stone rendezett. A film Don Winslow regényével azonos nevű. A filmet 2012. július 6.-án jelent meg, és a főszereplők Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Johnson, Demian Bichir, Benicio del Toro, Salma Hayek, John Travolta és Emile Hirsch. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Paid In Full

Hot stars Mekhi Phifer (8 MILE, SHAFT, TV's ER) and Wood Harris (REMEMBER THE TITANS) team up in an edgy, hard-hitting film with a slammin' soundtrack! Stuck in a nowhere job, Ace (Harris) is a restless teenager who envies the expensive cars, flashy clothes, and high-rolling lifestyle of his drug-dealing friends. Then when he sees his chance, Ace makes the move that suddenly changes his life! Drawn by the seductive lure of easy money in the illicit Harlem underground, he uses his skills to quickly take control of the streets and seize all the power than comes with it! Also starring rap star Cam'ron (WOO) and Chi McBride (GONE IN 60 SECONDS, TV's BOSTON PUBLIC) -- you don't want to miss this gripping look at chasing the American dream ... from the wrong side of the tracks!

A kárhozat útja

A Kárhozat útja egy 2002-ben bemutatott amerikai filmdráma Sam Mendes rendezésében, Tom Hanks, Paul Newman és Jude Law főszereplésével. A film 1931-ben a nagy gazdasági világválság idején játszódik. A gengszter élet durva ugyanakkor érzelemdús világát mutatja be, egy bérgyilkos fiának a szemén keresztül. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Az ördög dublőre

Based on a shocking true story, THE DEVIL'S DOUBLE follows the riveting journey of Latif, a man forced to become the body double of Saddam Hussein's ruthless son, Uday. Thrust into the debauched life of fast cars, easy women, and limitless power, Latif becomes virtually indistinguishable from the feared "Black Prince." As war threatens Uday's gangster regime, Latif realizes he must escape from the devil's den -- or die trying.

Közönséges bűnözők

A Közönséges bűnözők egy 1995-ben bemutatott amerikai bűnügyi film Bryan Singer rendezésében. A filmet a Sundance-i filmfesztiválon mutatták be 1995. januárjában. A film Oscar-díjas forgatókönyvét Christopher McQuarrie írta. A filmben nyújtott alakításáért Kevin Spacey Oscar-díjat nyert. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Bor, mámor, Provence

Oscar®-winner Russell Crowe reunites with Gladiator director Ridley Scott in A Good Year, a Fox 2000 Pictures presentation. Max Skinner (Russell Crowe) is a highly successful investment expert with no time for life outside work. When his estranged uncle dies, Max inherits the vineyard in France where he grew up as a child, and his first intention is to sell the vineyard as quickly as possible. But after spending unexpected time at the Vineyard in France, he discovers a part of himself that he had lost and experiences romance and a blossoming new love affair with a beautiful French woman that changes his life forever. A Good Year is based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Peter Mayle.

S.W.A.T. - Különleges kommandó

An arrested drug kingpin is transported by a Los Angeles Police Department SWAT team led by Jackson's character out of the city and into federal custody. Plans go awry when the kingpin offers $100 million to anyone who can free him. (Original Title - S.W.A.T. (2003)) © 2003 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Az utca királyai

Az utca királyai egy 2008-as amerikai bűnügyi film Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker és Hugh Laurie főszereplésével. Bemutatója Észak-Amerikában 2008. április 11-én, Magyarországon április 17-én volt. (Forrás: Wikipédia http://hu.wikipedia.org, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Hustle & Flow

DJay is a Memphis hustler who spends most days in a parked Chevy philosophizing about life while Nola (Taryn Manning), turn tricks in the backseat. He's not very good at pimping, but he can hustle almost anything or anyone and makes enough to keep himself and three girls satisfied and housed in his shotgun home. DJay however is in the midst of a midlife crisis| he quietly harbors dreams of becoming a respected rapper. When he learns from a local club owner, Arnel (Isaac Hayes), that rap mogul Skinny Black (Ludacris), is rolling through town, DJay decides to record his flow with the hopes of slipping his demo to Skinny. With little help from his friends and "family" DJay sets in motion the hustle of his life, and galvanizes the lives of those around him as they learn that "Everybody's gotta have a dream."

Legbelső félelem

A Legbelső félelem egy 1996-os amerikai thriller, melyet William Diehl rendezett és melynek forgatókönyvét Steve Shagan és Ann Biderman írták.

Újdonságok Krimi műfajban

Who Needs Enemies

When local heavy and ex-boxer Tom Sheridan agrees to hire his strip club out to lifelong friend and colleague Ian Levine he soon discovers the private party involves child prostitution and trafficking, catering to wealthy pedophiles.

Feeling betrayed and disgusted, Tom obtains secret photo evidence of the party and threatens to expose Ian to his associates and family. This sparks a bloody feud between the two old friends and their foot soldiers, in a story of morality, loyalty and betrayal in this controversial film from London, England.


Akció- és kalandfilm
When reformed criminal Paul Maguire's (Nicolas Cage) daughter is kidnapped, he falls back on old habits that lead him down a dark and bloody path of revenge, betrayal and long buried secrets.

The Last Time I Saw Macao

A wonderfully mysterious, shape-shifting feature from celebrated filmmakers João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata, THE LAST TIME I SAW MACAO is a detective tale that blends film noir, documentary footage and personal travelogue to intoxicating effect. Following a spectacular opening number, a lip-synched rendition of Jane Russell's sultry 'You Kill Me,' the film's hero, in voiceover, sets the tale in motion. He has come to Macao in search of Candy, an old friend who he fears has been kidnapped by a shadowy crime syndicate. He searches the city streets, back alleys, gambling dens and music halls, but Candy's whereabouts elude him, until a larger, more sinister plot comes into focus.

Original Gangster

Akció- és kalandfilm
Dave Courtney gives an unforgettable performance as Dave Bishop, one of the most murderous gangsters ever depicted on film, in this bloody crime epic. Through flashbacks, Original Gangster follows the violent career of a small-time London villain who kills his way to the top of Britain's illicit drugs empire. Now happily retired on the Kent coast Dave becomes embroiled in a bloody battle with Al Qaeda terrorists who want to take over his criminal empire. Original Gangster lends brutal insight into Britain's gangland underworld and is set to rank alongside The Long Good Friday as one of the United Kingdom's greatest ever gangster films.


Indiai mozi
The film (based on true story) revolves around a brave heart Barun Biswas, portrayed by Parambrata Chatterjee, who raises voice against atrocities being committed against women and children, in the village of Dukhiya. The cops would also not take up any complaints against the powerful criminals. Barun Biswas with his team forms a forum named 'Jagaran Mancha' and stands against all odds and forces the law to arrest the culprits. But eventually the accused men gets Barun Biswas murdered leaving the whole village shaken in shock and pain. Later, Binod Bihari Dutta, portrayed by Paran Bondhopadhyay, is searching for truth behind Barun's murder. Binod comes to know about the goons who have terrorized the village. Binod tries to motivate villagers the way Barun did but finds everyone reluctant in fear. A new police Animesh Dutta is posted to the village, portrayed by Saswata Chatterjee. Binod feels helpless and thus decides to take the law in his own hands. What happens next? Can Binod escape or is he punished, is for the audience to find out. CBFC Rating A. Certificate Number DIL/3/11/2013-KOL

Back in Crime

Inspector Richard Kemp never got around to putting the handcuffs around the Eardrum Slasher, a dangerous serial killer whose rampage began 20 years before. When Hélène, a psychologist, witnesses the Slasher's latest crime and offers to testify, Kemp falls in love with her at first sight. In a mysterious turn of event, Kemp is suddenly transported back in time to the site of the Eardrum Slasher's first murder, he realizes that this could provide a second chance to catch the killer. As he tries to help his younger self and meets the much younger Hélène, Kemp triggers a series of events with unforeseen consequences.

3 nap a halálig

Akció- és kalandfilm
A 3 nap a halálig egy 2014-es amerikai akciófilm, amelyet McG rendezett, forgatókönyvét Luc Besson és Adi Hasak írták.

Blue Ruin

A mysterious outsider's quiet life is turned upside down when he returns home seeking vengeance. Proving himself an amateur assassin, he winds up in a brutal fight to protect his estranged family.


Indiai mozi
Rakhtbeej is the story of two men, from two different generations. Even though their worlds are different their lives keep intersecting. Abhay Jatav from humble beginnings, ends up becoming the most dreaded dacoit in UP. Ajay also from humble beginings, becomes the CEO of Dabral Group of Industries, at a very young age. Abhay knows Sarita from a long time, and Sarita is in love with Abhay. But when a simple village girl Poonam enters Ahbay's life he totally forgets about Sarita. Sanjana, Dabral's daughter is in love with Ajay from a long time. But when supermodel Priya enters his life, he is blinded by her love. Abhay goes out of his way to help Maya Singh win the village elections. But Maya Singh later backstabs Abhay. Abhay loose his friends and those dear to him and this changes his fate forever. Ajay trusts Dharam, his competitor in business and love, but Dharam backstabs him. Abhay becomes a victim of Politics, Police and Dacoits, while Ajay is the victim of business rivalry. Even though these men are from different generations, their lives resemble each others. Just like Abhay, Ajay too has to choose between his friends, love, relationships and ambition. Is Ajay related to Abhay? Will he ever know? Just because their lives are similar, will they meet with a similar fate?


SHIFTED is a crime drama about a young man stranded in Los Angeles, who is forced to re-evaluate his life, while being hunted by a corrupt, ex-employer.


Thomas Haden Church (SIDEWAYS, SPIDER-MAN 3) stars in this darkly comic thriller about a snowplow driver who, after accidentally killing a man, attempts to escape the cops by fleeing into the harsh Canadian wilderness.

SUGAR WARS The Rise Of The Cleveland Mafia

Angelo Lonardo grew up in the wealthy neighborhood of Shaker Heights, his father was a powerful man and the first "Mafia Boss" of the city. After his father was murdered by a member of the rival Porello crime family in 1929, 18 year-old Angelo swore revenge. He later joined the Cleveland Crime Family, working his way up to underboss in 1976. After his arrest in 1983 on drug charges,and fearing life behind bars, he became a government informant and testified against his former colleagues. He remains one of the highest ranking mob bosses to breach the vow of "omerta" in becoming a federal witness. He emerged from the Federal Witness Protection Program inn the early 1990's, and returned home to Cleveland to tell his story.

Black Ice

Black Ice follows Alice Watters and Jimmy Devlin (rising stars Jane mcGrath and Killian Scott) as they attempt to break out of a clandestine Irish border road-racing scene into legit rally driving. Set against the backdrop of Ireland's economic collapse, there are other forces at work in this tight knit community that threaten to force them apart. When a crash takes the life of Alice's brother she is consumed by remorse but determined to confront the truth behind events.


Indiai mozi
Bol is Shoaib Mansoor's second dramatic breakthrough of revealing life with its complexities. After Khuda Kay Liye, that went on to win several international awards, Bol is another gripping story authored by him. It's a story that shows the realities of life very closely. The web of relationships within a family that barely makes ends meet. On top of the poverty, the father subscribes to a set of values many would relate to...Values that we inherit and tightly hold on to, values that embody contradictions, values that have not been questioned.

Bol is a roller coaster of emotions, yet carries subtleties that make your heartbeat stop. Based in the heart of Lahore, the story takes place in a house full of daughters, with vibrancy of life, yet restrictions on blooming. It questions the worth of a human being, may it be a woman or a person born with defect. It questions the authority of reproducing human beings into this world without taking responsibility of acknowledging their worth.

Bol takes you through a journey into the life of this family experiencing their troubles, sufferings, resolves and high points. As family members take decisions to solve their problems they step into deeper troubles. The complexity of their circumstances becomes a struggle of life and death.

Humaina Malick, after gaining popularity on the small screen in the recent years has been picked for the big screen for the first time. She plays a daughter who gets affected the most by the family tensions. She respects the norms she has been given by her parents, yet is compelled by her intuitive logic and sense for justice.

Atif Aslam plays an enlightened neighbor, and with his two loves, one for music and the other for the next-door beauty, Mahira Khan, adds romance and melody to the film.

Iman Ali will be seen in a very different role than her usual appearances. Courtesan who is ambivalent between the standards of success her family considers so important and the desires of her own heart.

The Secret Six

Wallace Beery gives a powerhouse performance in this hard-boiled Pre-Code crime saga costarring Clark Gable and Jean Harlow in her M-G-M debut. Beery stars as Louis Scorpio, a stockyard worker who takes over a bootlegging gang run by small-town hoodlum Johnny Franks (Ralph Bellamy in his screen debut). Muscling into the big city rackets, Scorpio is targeted by the Secret Six, a masked tribunal that works with reporter Carl Luckner (Gable) to dig up the dirt that could convict the mobster and send him straight to the chair. Borrowed from Howard Hughes, Jean Harlow was cast as one of Scorpio's molls, sharing a few scenes with the up-and-coming Gable. Although his part was small at first, Gable's role was beefed up during production, eventually tripling in size. Within a year, the pair would become two of M-G-M's biggest stars, reteaming five more times before Harlow's untimely death in 1937.

The Phantom of Crestwood

Who killed Jenny Wren? An added undercurrent of excitement accompanied this atmospheric mystery's arrival at movie houses. A multi-episode radio version had preceded the release of the film, and listeners were invited to vie for prizes by submitting their ideas on how the broadcast's cliffhanger ending should resolve. Would one of those submittals end up on the screen? Fans would have to see the movie to find out! Karen Morley portrays unfortunate Jenny, who plans to blackmail her rich and powerful paramours at a posh soiree. Instead, she is murdered. A career criminal (Ricardo Cortez) at the gathering, knowing he must act before police arrive and accuse him, takes it upon himself to sift through the clues to discover the Maltese of the whodunit. Combining elements of parlor mystery with the secret passages, stormy nights and strange apparitions of old-dark-house tales, the Selznick RKO unit crafts a clever entertainment.

Knock Out

Knock Out is a fast-paced thriller that happens in real time. In just two hours- 11am to 1pm - an enigmatic vigilante pulls off an incredible, mind-blowing coup and a new chapter of Indian history is written.

Sanjay Dutt plays a new age lone ranger who has the latest weapons and gadgets at his fingertips, and is a man who trusts and depends on no one. Working alone, he effortlessly uses his wit, his skills at hand-to-hand combat, and his love for stealth technology, to manipulate and trap his elusive target. The target, played by Irrfan, is a street-smart investment banker who has made his way to the upper echelons of power. A man who unwittingly holds the key to India's destiny, Irrfan is a man consumed by his own obsessions, an extremely clever and unstoppable foe. Through a brilliant play of truth and pretense, Sanjay strips Irrfan of his arrogance and attitude, opens his heart and confounds his brain, locking him in a tangle beyond redemption... a tangle which can only be unraveled one way... leading to the biggest 'counter-heist' in the history of this nation.

Hot on the trail of these two men is a hardnosed television journalist, played by Kangna Ranaut. She will stop at nothing... or so she believes, until she is faced with the ultimate call of conscience. Choosing between another man's life or herself... Choosing between the country or herself. And each time she rises to the occasion, showing that the new India has its heart in the right place, its soul intact.

As the film reaches its action-packed climax, every citizen of this country becomes a witness to the live action that unfolds before television cameras. For a nation that has endured political thieves for six decades, this counter-heist of a massive scale wakes them up in a way nothing has ever done before.

The film ends in a huge wave of euphoria. The mysterious vigilante fights and wins an impossible battle, a battle that raged not just in the streets of Mumbai but also in the minds of the whole nation. True to style, he manages to walk off into the celebrating multitudes; his identity forever hidden... maybe to strike another day... and India awakens to a new beginning.

The Devil's Teardrop

When Washington D.C. is terrorized by a serial killer, the only piece of evidence that FBI Special Agent Margaret Lukas (Natasha Henstridge) has to work with is a ransom note written by the perpetrator. Desperate to solve the case before the killer strikes again, Agent Lukas turns to renowned handwriting analyst Parker Kincaid (Tom Everett Scott). Kincaid is a former FBI agent who quit the force after his young son was attacked by an escaped killer that Kincaid had helped capture. While joining forces with Lukas to track down the murderer, Kincaid is also fighting his ex-wife (Rena Sofer) for what's most dear to him — the custody of his children. This thriller is based on New York Times best-selling author Jeffery Deaver's ("The Bone Collector") mystery novel of the same name. 2010 C/P Teardrop Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tokyo Playboy Club

When Katsutoshi finds trouble at work and hides out at his friend's titular nightclub, lives intersect and strange situations arise in this dark comedy set in the seedy underbelly of Tokyo nightlife.

May I Kill U?

Baz (Barry Vartis) is one of Britain's new breed of police, a cycle cop. Although he appears to be a figure of fun, a freak accident turns him into a psychopath...
As riots break out in London, a head injury changes Baz from an everyday police officer into a mad vigilante, offering no-hope criminals a stark choice, arrest or death. Baz sees this campaign as 'lawful killing'. Criminals too stunned, confused, or drunk to argue are politely asked, "May I kill you?" and merrily dispatched on their final journey. All these exchanges are recorded on Baz' helmet-cam and posted anonymously on social networks.
Using the alter ego '@N4cethelaw' Baz acquires an increasing number of fans with each killing, dispensing justice to scumbags, cleaning up society like some bizarre and deadly 'Robin Hood', ridding society of its' ills.
But, in a sudden reversal, Baz is captured by an enraged relative of one of his presumed "kills" and faces slaughter or even worse... exposure.

Blood Ties

Akció- és kalandfilm
Violence erupts when two brothers on two sides of the law face off over organized crime in Brooklyn during the 1970s.

The Golden Fleecing

A $50,000 life-insurance sale puts mild-mannered Henry Twinkle on the fast track at Ajax Insurance Company. Now he can marry his girl and climb the corporate ladder -- just as long as the insured party, Gus Fender, enjoys a long life. Unfortunately, it turns out Gus is a racketeer with an army of gat-carrying rivals. So Henry gets an order from his apoplectic boss: keep Gus alive! Lew Ayres, the popular star of the Dr. Kildare films, hones his comedy skills as hapless Henry, plunged into a world of gangsters and molls. Lloyd Nolan, who enjoyed a 50-year career in film and television, portrays Gus with appropriate menace. Olympic wrestler-turned-actor Nat Pendleton (The Thin Man) stands out as one of Gus's dimwitted henchmen. And among the screenwriters is renowned American humorist S.J. Perelman (Monkey Business, Horse Feathers). "Sprightly little screwball yarn" (Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide).

Venus in Furs

Film director Hyun encounters a mysterious woman and asks her to be his muse. Intrigued with his daring proposal, she accepts. Soon she invites him to her villa in the country to give him some isolated space to write a screenplay. But her masochistic acts slowly consume his desire and longing. Hyun bears escalating humiliation and pain that are inflicted on him for the sake of being with his muse and ultimately signs over his life to her as a slave.

Alien Boy: The Life and Death James Chasse

Alien Boy: The Life and Death of James Chasse examines his childhood, his intense involvement in the early Portland punk music scene (The Wipers wrote the song "Alien Boy" about him), the heart-breaking teenage onset of his schizophrenia, and his brave efforts to avoid institutionalization and maintain his independence.

Using interviews, personal writings, archival footage, official documents and videotaped depositions of the involved police officers, the film explores James Chasse's life and the police actions and decisions that led to his death. What emerges is an intimate and complex story of one man's life, the Chasse family's struggle for justice, and a city and a system grappling with accountability.