Support the Free Software Foundation

Support the FSF

Your contribution to the Free Software Foundation will help us build the strength of the free software movement through worldwide education and outreach, software licensing and compliance, infrastructure for free software development, and organizing against threats to the freedom of computer users. Why do we do this work? Because free software is a cornerstone of any modern free society.

Another way to support the FSF is by joining as an Associate Member. You can also renew your existing or expired membership or gift a membership.

You can using the form below to make a general donation with a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account. You can also donate to the FSF using Bitcoin or Litecoin. [GPG]

Bitcoin address: 1PC9aZC4hNX2rmmrt7uHTfYAS3hRbph4UN
Litecoin address: LPttYC3GoXNrBqGfLT7tTbNHm8SiUpBwYz

There are other ways to donate, too: using an FSF credit card, donations of cars and stocks, and the United Way.

Donate with Bitcoin
Donate with Bitcoin

Organization Details
Start typing the name of an organization that you have saved previously to use it again. Otherwise click "Enter a new organization" above.
Is this donation a gift?
Please name the person who you are honoring with your donation so that we can properly thank them.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.
Name and address for FSF donation

Everyone who donates $500 or more will appear on our list of ThankGNUs.

Credit Card Information
Billing Name and Address