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Site Performance Analysis

Is your site experiencing a higher than normal usage of RAM? Is your site running too slow? Does your site need to be restarted too often? What will happen when you want to upgrade your site to the latest Plone?

We are leveraging our experience in developing and hosting high traffic websites to provide you with assistance with analyzing your existing systems performances. The evaluation process can either focus on a specific topic such as code performance, or encompass all aspects of your system setup.

Each audit assignment will start with the collection of relevant data and lead to the identification of the causes of potential problems. Based on this initial discovery, we will recommend various optimization steps to reduce hosting costs, increase response time, decrease the possibility of an outage and facilitate further site enhancements and/or migrations.

Code Review Scope of Work:

  • Profile page templates and underlying code, including third-party products
  • Review buildout
  • Analyze logs
  • Develop a detailed report with optimization recommendations

Fee: $2,500

Hosting Infrastructure Review Scope of Work:

  • Conduct security and performance audit of operating system and installed services
  • Review site backend configuration (Zope, database or filesystem)
  • Evaluate proxy configuration including caching and load balancing
  • Run performance benchmarks on a single hosted domain (includes up to 10 urls).
  • Review system logs
  • Develop a detailed report with optimization recommendations

Fee: $3,300.

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