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Data Center Buildout and Design

Six Feet Up Data CenterSix Feet Up understands the quickly changing technology of hosting, disaster recovery and secure storage. Six Feet Up will help you develop a custom data center that fits your needs, from a single server rack to a full data center cage.

Any successful project starts with a solid plan. Six Feet Up can guide you through the decision making process. We will help you determine the overall scope of the project as well as set goals and create a budget. Because developing a data center that works for your organization can be so critical in the success of your production deployment, Six Feet Up always involves our clients in a preliminary Discovery Phase. This is the time to:

  •  Review the organizations strategic goals
  •  Identify risks
  •  Analyze current deployment
  •  Identify areas where best practices can be utilized
  •  Recommend open source alternatives if available

Based on this initial research, Six Feet Up then develops functional specifications that will lay the foundations for appropriate design concepts. Once the scope of the project is defined, Six Feet Up will lead you through the process of determining the infrastructure needed to make the plan a reality.  We will create logical as well as physical diagrams to help you envision your future data center configuration.

Tips for a smooth deployment process:

  •  Identify main project stakeholders before embarking on any deployment effort
  •  Always involve decision-makers from the beginning
  •  Get buy-in on company goals
  •  Address all decision-makers' concerns during the discovery phase and document the decisions made
Contact us today with any questions about your project.

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