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Health & Life Science

ICE Safety Solutions »

Looking for a way to reduce the amount of time spent taking class registrations over the phone, ICE Safety Solutions asked Six Feet Up to implement a full-fledged content managed class catalog addressing both their individual and corporate customers' needs.

MS Friends »

Looking for a redesign of their current website to better reflect the personality and mission of their non-profit organization, MS Friends asked Six Feet Up and eight fluid ounces to design and develop a content managed website for their organization.

Hancock Health Network (HHN) »

A growing network of physicians in need of a communication channel with local patients.

Hilton Chiropractic & Acupuncture »

A successful chiropractic and acupuncture practice with a need for a convenient tool to provide information to existing and prospecting patients.

Club Red UVA »

“Club Red” spotlights the latest information available in nutrition, fitness, and research associated with heart disease in women.

Take Back Your Hands »

Looking for a content management system with localization features and a flexible templating system, Basilea Pharmaceutica naturally turned to Plone to build this disease education site.

Fortune 200 Pharmaceutical Company »

Starting in 2009, Six Feet Up participated in a large web redevelopment project for a prominent Fortune 200 pharmaceutical company spanning ten months, involving over 30 resources, and resulting in a new website tailor made to the requirements of their global business.

Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) »

When Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) sought to improve upon the online tools which help further their goals, Six Feet Up offered the solutions needed to relaunch

University of Virginia Health System »

The University of Virginia Health System launched an all-new site for the Medical Center.  Six Feet Up helped UVA Health System launch a brand-new website powered by Plone, a popular open source content management system that helps organize information on hundreds of doctors, locations, conditions, treatments and more.

Fortune 1,000 Diet and Lifestyle Management Company »

This Fortune 1,000 Diet and Lifestyle Management company needed a website that would bridge the gap among their geographically distributed staff. Utilizing Plone's content management system and custom add-on products, Six Feet Up successfully launched a solid intranet built to support the company's long term growth and enhancement strategies.

Healthcare Strategy Institute »

Six Feet Up used HTML5 to develop the official HCMS mobile app companion to the Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit 2012, a flagship conference organized by the Healthcare Strategy Institute.

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