
Show the love. Join the jQuery Foundation on an annual subscription basis. Corporate members receive benefits ranging from website recognition to conference sponsorships and more. To say thank you for your support at the individual level, we'll send you some gifts each year. See below for the other benefits you get for joining.

Individual Membership - $400 annual

  • 2014 Annual Thank You Gifts:
    The contents of the 2014 gift box are still being determined. The package will contain a number of jQuery branded items and the full list will be posted here once decided.
  • Additional Benefits:
    • Stickers and buttons
    • Recognition on the members page:
    • A banner or badge you can put on your website or your laptop. Or both.

Plus access to individual members only benefits at jQuery Foundation events, and recognition on the Foundation website.

Fill out our membership form:

    Corporate Membership

    Your company can benefit greatly from membership in the jQuery Foundation. Benefits for companies include recognition on jQuery websites, recognition at jQuery conferences world-wide, and discounts on conference sponsorship packages. Also, when a company joins, we include individual membership for a few employees.

    For more info, contact