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Information & Advice 

Practical advice and guidance on all aspects of boating.

Legal Advice
The RYA provides first-aid legal advice to personal members on marine-related matters such as VAT, disputes with boat dealers, brokers or suppliers of goods or services and insurance issues
Current Affairs
The RYA works to ensure that legislators, regulators and other authorities understand, and take account of, recreational boating activity. Keep up to date with all the RYA current affairs.
Buying or Selling a Boat
Sale and Purchase Pack, available to RYA members, providing advice, guidance, publications, documentation and practical help on all aspects of buying and selling
Clubs & Class Associations
Practical information and advice on managment, finances, development and legal issues.
Planning & Environment
Practical resources for clubs and boaters on caring for the environment and keeping on the right side of planning laws
Boating Abroad
Make the most of your boating abroad; information on ICCs, chartering, customer formalities and more
Regulations and best practice advice for boating in the UK, helping you to stay safe on the water.
Safety Information
Not sure when you should be wearing a life jacket or buoyancy aid; wondering where you can get notices to mariners; how do you best avoid a collision with a kite surfer; and more...
We provide support and training for race officials and work hard to ratify and clarify racing rules.
Child Protection
Information and guidance for anyone involved in sailing, windsurfing and powerboating for children and young people. 
Safety management policy
The RYA Safety Management System (SMS) is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountability, policies and procedures.

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RYA Speed Sail & Rig Tuning DVD