Sport England

Disability infographics

Sport England is committed to ensuring that sport is a viable option for disabled people. Find out more about how we are investing and the difference the investment is making

Flood Relief Fund

The recent floods have had a devastating effect on many sports facilities across the country.

We have launched a £5 million fund to help clubs get back on track.

Find out more about the fund.

Inspired Facilities

Our £110 million Inspired Facilities fund has helped over 1,300 clubs to date and will now be open year-round to make it easier for clubs to apply. Find out what you can apply for and how

What we do

Sport England is focused on helping people and communities across the country create a sporting habit for life.

We will invest over £1 billion of National Lottery and Exchequer funding between 2012 and 2017 in organisations and projects.

We also have a role protecting sports provision and must be formally consulted on any English planning applications that affect playing fields.

You can keep up with all our latest news by checking our news page or follow us on Twitter @sport_england.