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Motorboat news

Suzuki outboard photo competition

Suzuki outboards launches 50th anniversary photo competition

About 2 hours ago

The Japanese outboard manufacturer is giving away a bundle of goodies to the photographer to celebrate 50 years making marine motors

Over 1,600 shipping containers lost at sea every year, says WSC

The World Shipping Council has estimated that...

World’s first RIB saved from scrapheap by Atlantic College

The boatbuilding school has restored the...

Padstow RIB crash left Fiona Bruce unable to read the news

Fiona Bruce has admitted that she couldn’t...


Sealine F380 on test

7 debut boats heading to Southampton

With the PSP Southampton Boat Show just over ten weeks away, MBM takes a look at some of the confirmed newcomers


Grandezza 39CA

Grandezza 39CA

Sleek, stylish, and with a new take on on-board layouts, this Finnish hardtop is set to shake things up in the cruiser market


Boat Fail: Bimini blues

Boat Fail: Careless skipper gets the Bimini blues

In this week’s Boat Fail, an inattentive...

Sealine F380

Videos from Boot Düsseldorf 2014

Watch our video reviews


East coast Corsica?

Next week we are moving our boat from La...

Single Engine Boats: Use of Get Home System

For those of you who have single engined...

Fishfinder compatibility

My boat has an old Navman Fish 440 fitted,...

Nearly hit a Cardinal Buoy at 20 knots, how can that happen!

Had a near miss with our princess 430 on...

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