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We are one of the leading UK marine wholesalers, supplying over 8000 products to chandlers, boat builders, riggers and marine engineers.

This e-shop provides our trade customers with the ability to check stock levels and prices and to order on-line, whilst also providing boat owners and enthusiasts with a valuable reference point for a wide range of quality products.

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Visit Bainbridge International Sailmaker Website

With a full range of sailcloth, cover fabrics, hardware and a global sales and support network, Bainbridge is uniquely qualified and committed to supplying the world with the finest quality materials.

Visit Bainbridge Marine Website

We are one of the leading UK marine wholesalers, supplying over 8000 products to chandlers, boat builders, riggers and marine engineers.

Visit Bainbridge CoverGuard Website

The world’s leading flame-retardant temporary protection system. Designed and developed to provide innovative temporary protection for all types of horizontal and vertical surfaces and finishes.