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Email Newsgroup

HISC Newsgroup . . . what it's about, how to join and set-up problems

 Purpose - The Newsgroup is to inform you, via e-mail, of:

 Upcoming HISC sailing, social and organisational activities

Club events that have happened

Club members' sailing activities in the news

Teams of HISC members attending events in Chichester Harbour

As such it is complementary to the website. For its success, the newsgroup relies on you, the members, to post information of interest. The service is for the whole club; so whether you are a cruising, racing or non-sailing member, please contribute.

Read the latest information on how the Newsgroup Operates, Joining, Leaving Posting a message. The Do's and Don'ts and some helpful FAQs . . .

© Copyright 2014 Hayling Island Sailing Club.