ICCE Events

ICCE Global Coach Conference 2013

South Africa, 11-13 September 2013

The International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) and the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) would like to invite you for the 9 th ICCE Global Coach Conference 2013. The conference will take place from 11 to 13 September 2013 at Coastlands Umhlanga Hotel and Convention Centre in Durban, South Africa.

Every two years the ICCE Global Coach Conference brings together coaches, coach educators, researchers, sport scientists, technical directors and sport administrators to address issues in coaching, coach education, high performance coaching and coaches representation; and to share experiences with the best coaching experts in the world. The 9th ICCE Global Coach Conference 2013 is jointly organised by SASCOC and the ICCE.

Click here for more information


Groningen, Netherlands, 24-26 October 2013

The XII ENSSEE Forum 2013 will be held in the Hanze University of Applied Sciences of Groningen, Netherlands between 24-26 October 2013. The main theme of the Forum is: „Sporthorizon 2020: share qualities towards innovative sport education”

The aim of the XII ENSSEE FORUM in Groningen is to stimulate the development of innovation and (applied) research in the field of Sport, Education and Employment through international cooperation of sports universities, sport organizations and companies related to sports on a local, national and international level. Organisers will present a dynamic program with information sessions organized by the ENSSEE committees, inspiration sessions by international, national and local speakers, researchers, partners and project coordinators. During innovation sessions all participants will create new project ideas. The programme will have a strong component of topics related to sport coaching. The official website of the Forum is enssee2013.hanze.nl

European Coaching Council Conference – Voice of the Coach, Leeds, UK

Leeds, UK, 26-28 March 2013

The conference discussed main issues of sport coaching at European level. This was also be the final event of the CoachNet project (www.coachnet.eu) supported by the European Commission Sport Unit. Project partners presented the project’s findings and the European Coaching Coucil (ECC) introduced the proposed new structure for the co-ordination of sport coaching in Europe.

Click here for more information

ICCE Global Coach Conference 2011

INSEP, Paris, 25-27 August 2011

“Innovation and Practice” 
The 8th ICCE Global Coaches Conference took place between 25th and 27th of August 2011 at the newly renovated, exceptional facilities of INSEP Paris, France. This event ran in conjunction with the 11th Forum of the European Network for Sport Science, Education and Employment (ENSSEE).

Click here for more information

ICCE Continental Conference 2010

Netherlands, 2-4 December 2010

Click here for the news release (pdf) describing major steps forward from the Papendal conference.

ICCE Global Coach Conference 2008

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 12-15 December 2008

The conference was held in conjunction with the Coaching Association of Canada 2009 Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference.

ICCE Continental Conference – Europe

Twickenham Stadium, London, England, 18-20 November 2008

The conference was hosted by sports coach UK in collaboration with The International Council for Coach Education (ICCE) and supported by the Rugby Football Union (RFU).

ICCE Continental Conference – Asia

Hoseo University, Seoul, Korea, 7-9 November 2008

Theme: Research and Practice in Coaching and Coach Education.

ICCE Continental Conference – Africa

Pretoria, South Africa, 23-25 October 2008

Sport Coaching in the 21st Century - Bridging the gap between theory and practice
The International Council for Coach Education (ICCE) in collaboration with the Tshwane University of Technology(TUT), South Africa, announces the ICCE Continental Conference to be hosted jointly by the Department of Sport, Rehabilitation, and Dental Sciences and the Directorate Sport and Recreation of TUT.

Click here for more information

Follow-up from the ICCE Continental conference – Africa

Further work on Long Term Athlete Development (pdf 229 KB)

Coaching Council

The ECC is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.