Welcome to Scaling Dam Sailing Club
Whitby Moor Road, Easington, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, North Yorkshire, TS13 4TP
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2014 RYA Sailability National Conference - A richly deserved award for John Tate.

At the recent RYA Sailability Conference the winner of the Significant Contribution Award was John Tate from Scaling Dam Sailing Club.
John is the driving force for Sailability activity and continually works hard in his own time to promote the programme at Scaling Dam, encouraging as many people as possible to get out on the water.

Well done John! Richly deserved.
Click this link to read the Conference Report or here for a short Conference Video

A special thanks to Roy Emmerson & Nicola Brown for representing our club and for collecting the award on John's behalf.
Website Updates:
Latest Weekly News available (11th Feb).
2014 Training Documents and Membership Categories/Fees available (6th Feb).
Click to view the latest Development Photographs (17th Jan.)

If you do not see the updated webpages try Refreshing (F5 key) the page or clear your Browsing History.
Please e-mail John if you have any Development Photographs, website suggestions or find any errors on the website

If you want to experience the thrill of sailing why not come to our Open Day (Sunday 27th April) where everyone gets a trip in one of the club boats. You can also view our new facilities.

If you are interested in sailing then check out our Training webpage or view our comprehensive Training Programme document - all run by our award winning Training Principal.

The first weekend course will take place on the 16th - 18th May 2014. If you sign up for the Level 1 & 2 courses you get a great price discount and also 6 boat hire vouchers so you can practice your new found skills at no extra cost

Scaling Dam is situated on the beautiful North Yorkshire Moors approximately half way between Guisborough and Whitby on the A171 road. The reservoir is owned by Northumbrian Water Ltd. who lease the club house and sailing rights to Scaling Dam Sailing Club.
Click this link for our Location map or here to open the Northumbrian Water Information sheet detailing wildlife and walks.

Scaling Dam S.C. is a thriving sailing club which welcomes people of all ages wanting to learn to sail in safety. Every spring we have a fun Open Day where all the family can enjoy a sail with one of our experienced crew.
If you want to participate in any club events or just want to enjoy sailing/windsurfing in this great location then please come and visit us. Click on these links to check out Membership, our Training Programme or to view our Events diary.

The venue is a great place for windsurfing with good winds and ample grassed areas for rigging etc. We have a growing number of sailing members who are joining our windsurfers to enjoy this great sport.

We are an RYA recognised training centre and our courses are managed by our award winning Training Principal.
We offer formal training for dinghy sailing from Level 1 up to RYA Seamanship/Sailing with Spinnakers/Performance Sailing.
Click this link for the comprehensive Training document which lists courses, dates, times, costs etc. or this link for the Events diary.

For many years we have welcomed the opportunity to share the joys and rewards of sailing with children and adults with disabilities. Click for more information on Sailability.
Sailability prides itself in its ´inclusive´ policy with disabled sailors able to sail alongside able-bodied sailors on equal terms. Scaling Dam welcomes a growing membership of disabled sailors.