Medway Yacht Club

Lower Upnor, Rochester,

Kent. ME2 4XB

01634718399 Office

01634718169 Clubhouse

Founded 1880

Medway Yacht Club

a fantastic place for all the family to sail……Why not call or email us  today for more details

We are keen to attract sailors of all abilities who have a love of dinghy or keel boat sailing

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Updated  8th June 2014

Wednesday  Evening  Race  Report      Race 3

After last week’s abandonment due to lack of wind Race 3 a started with a pleasant F2-3 and sunshine for the 10 yachts who took part. Some fantastic cloud formations made an excellent backdrop for the returning boats and crews who despite the inclement forecast stayed dry for the duration of the race.

Musical Express ( Sonata ) led the fleet away from the line at the downwind start closely followed read more here

Try a Wayfarer

The Wayfarer Class would like to invite new members, Friday-nighters and non-sailing parents of Cadets and Oppie's to our "Try a Wayfarer" mornings. These events will be held between 1000 and 1230 on the following Sundays, 1st June, 15th June, 10th August and 24th August, and will be an opportunity for less experienced sailing members of the Club to meet experienced sailors from our Class, look at and discuss our boats (and our love of sailing generally), and, read more here

Wednesday Evening Race Report      Race 1

Dark clouds, 30 knot gusts and heavy rain were not exactly the ideal conditions forecast for the 1st Wednesday evening race held on 21st May. However this did not dampen the owners and crews of the 11 boats that took part. As often happens the inclement weather held off until after well after the race was completed and in fact the 2/3 knot breeze died away towards the end of the race.

2 new members and other spare crew were found places on different boats and thoroughly enjoyed their experience.

At the hotly contested start of the race read more here

   21st May Starts the Wednesday EveninOpen Series

(Kindly sponsoreby Barton Marine EquipmentLtd)

A 9 race series for Cruisers and Keelboats ( 6 to count ) will take place on Wednesday

evenings from May to July starting at 19-00hrs from the MYC line. 

 For details see the link on the Front page of the Website

17-18 May 2014 RYA 'Push the Boat Out' weekend

A really successful weekend thanks to those that came and supported us.