
Welcome to Loch Lomond Sailing Club, one of Scotland’s foremost inland sailing clubs, with an extensive racing and training programme using both the open waters of the east side of the loch near Milarrochy Bay and, for longer races, all the wider loch with its stunning scenery.

From Easter to October we have a vigorous racing programme on Saturdays and Sundays, with class racing in flying fifteens and handicap racing in several dinghy fleets and in the keelboat fleet. In the handicap keelboat fleet, Achilles 24 yachts have a strong presence, and in the high–performance dinghy fleet, trapeze craft are well supported, particularly Laser 4000s, 5000s and 505s, plus International Canoes. Wayfarers and Lasers are the mainstay of the medium handicap fleet, with a few Laser 2000s and RS200s. Our junior fleet is in resurgence with Toppers and many new Optimists now present, emerging from the vigorous junior training programme.

We are a club with a friendly, family atmosphere and a do-it-ourselves approach to repairs and maintenance, and training is available in safety boat handling skills. We have club social events at various times of the year, plus the informal social life around the fireside on Saturday evenings!
New members are always welcomed, as are visitors to our open events – an open dinghy weekend in early September and an open flying fifteen and keelboat weekend in early October, with occasional other class events.

Interested in membership?
Look at the New Members page and then contact the secretary (secretary@lochlomondsc.org).

Summer sailing
Light winds
At the start
The club from the air
Loch Lomond
All the fleet are out...
Racing near Milarrochy Bay