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Aldenham Sailing Club is a small friendly dinghy racing sailing club near Watford. Within easy reach of Hertfordshire and North London our main interest is to provide facilities and lively competition for our members. We also welcome and provide training for those new to sailing.

Bart's Bash

The Andrew Simpson Foundation is planning a monster sized event to set a new Guinness World Record for the "Largest Sailing Event in the World", which we are calling 'Bart's Bash!'

Aldenham will not be left out of the event on Sunday 21st September. Pete Ellis, our Sailing Secretary, has signed us up and we hope many of our members from all fleets will be able to take part.

For more information click here for the Bart's Bash website or go to www.bartsbash.co.uk.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 April 2014 22:01
Latest View at the club
This is the latest image from from our webcam.
RYA Training Centre and Volvo Champion Club

Aldenham Sailing Club is a recognised RYA training centre and Volvo Champion Club. This means that we offer training to national standards and in a similar way to other centres. We also put allot of effort into developing the sailing of young people in the club.


Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2011 20:36
Updated Racing Results

Wednesday evening series updated

The evening ended in a flat calm, the wind having held  up for most of the race, with the compensation of a beautiful sunset for those last off the water. Steve F followed Les, back from his South American travels, around for most of the race but overhauled him in the end. Barry still leads but this is a long series so plenty of time for him to be caught.

Remember that if over 18 yrs you need to perform an OOD duty to qualify for this series - sign up on the sheet on the noticeboard

Wednesday 14th May

Spring 2 series continues: also Laser Owl and Enterprise Cup

Spring 2 continued in strong and unpredictable winds with plenty of capsizes. Alongside the Sunday series, the Laser Owl  was competed and went to three races, with Steve Fischer taking race 3 to win, Colin Carver second and Neil Marsh third. There were only two competitors in the Enterprise Cup, won by Les Smith from Hilgard Muller.

Thanks to Illusion sailors Richard Farrow and Andrew Balint for OOD and rescue duties, with David Steer and Kelvin Jones from the Ent fleet.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 May 2014 21:22
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