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Spring regatta entry details

The Spring Regatta will be held on 24/25 May.  Full details and entry forms are attached.  Please note that there will also be a “try sailing” session for K6′s from 10 am on 24 May – details are included in the Regatta flyer. Spring Regatta_flyer Spring Regatta_Sailing instructions Spring Regatta_NoR Spring Regatta_Entry f Click to read more

AYC – The Video!

Spring is finally here, time to remind ourselves of what the yacht club has to offer. Click to read more

Lottery funding update

You have probably heard that the Club has been awarded £50,000 by the National Lottery to modernise the club’s facilities, particularly those for juniors.  We have committed to spend at least £35,000 of the Club’s funds alongside the grant.  This is therefore a major commitment which has the potential to make a real difference to [& Click to read more

May Newsletter

The May newsletter is attached below – Enjoy! AYC_May newsletter   Click to read more

Bethan Matthew wins Tera Open

AYC Junior Sailor, Bethan Matthew won the Start of Season Tera Championship at Northampton SC last week. In the Feva Pro fleet of 25 boats, Bethan won two of the six races, and recorded nothing worse than a 4th place.  Full report and photo on the link below. Many congratulations for a great result!! Read here Click to read more
Upcoming Events
Max temp 14°C (57°F)
Min temp Easterly
Wind direction 9mph
Wind speed Good
Visibility 1006mb
Pressure 66%
Humidity 6
UV risk Moderate
Tide Times