Victor LaValleConta verificada


There’s no future in despair.

Washington Heights, Manhattan
Uniuse en xuño de 2009


Bloqueaches a @victorlavalle

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  1. Chío pegado
    1 de nov. de 2019

    Montana, 1915 A woman on the run. All families have secrets; some are more monstrous than others. LONE WOMEN 2021

    Amosar este fío
  2. rechouchiou
    hai 15 horas

    I'm excited to be included in this forthcoming anthology, The World As We Knew It: Dispatches from a Changing Climate, along with writers , and others:

  3. rechouchiou

    Folks who want to pay back the Manchin-Sinema-Republican cabal for deserting democracy do have an option: drown them in better Senators. Democrats have plenty of opportunities in November: Wisconsin, North Carolina & tougher goes but not impossible in Florida, Kentucky and Ohio.

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  4. 20 de xan.

    Turned in that novel revision, yes I did.

  5. 20 de xan.

    Oh USA, A Luta Continua

  6. 18 de xan.

    Zora Neale Hurston *demolishing* Alain Locke after he panned Their Eyes Were Watching God is a masterpiece. From: You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays.

  7. rechouchiou
    18 de xan.

    Hey fam! I wrote the Intro to MARVEL'S VOICES LEGACY 2022 out 2/16/22 Featuring & writer/contributing ed. @angeliquerochewith artwork by & & more! Pre-order>

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  8. 18 de xan.

    Intellectually rewarding, violent and viscerally captivating? I will take all these superlatives on a Tuesday morning. Thank you! SABRETOOTH #1 coming soon.

  9. 17 de xan.

    pre-ordering 2023.

  10. rechouchiou
    16 de xan.

    Read the Preview: Marvel’s Voices: Legacy #1 with a tale of Wakanda! writes Moon Girl! explores the legacy of Sam Wilson! highlights Luke Cage’s 50th Anniversary! by & more:

  11. 16 de xan.

    Watched COME TRUE on . A lot of great stuff here, particularly mood and imagery. Enjoyed the deliberate pacing as well.

  12. 15 de xan.

    As I watch Manchin & Sinema and a good 40% of white America, I’m reminded of the greatest scene in Sopranos history. “One thing you can never say, that you haven’t been told.”

  13. 13 de xan.

    Talk shit about Joe Lieberman in 2010. Become Joe Lieberman in 2022.

  14. 13 de xan.

    Send in your questions about all things Sabretooth.

  15. 13 de xan.

    So many men about to think they have a genuine shot with Lisa Bonet now and…

  16. 12 de xan.

    Jump at the chance to work with Lisa Lucas.

  17. 11 de xan.

    Of all the things I could teach my writing students this is actually the most important one.

  18. 10 de xan.
  19. 9 de xan.

    Long week. Glad it’s Friday.

  20. rechouchiou
    9 de xan.

    Two MacDowell Fellows in conversation! Xavier Navarro Aquino (19) discusses his debut novel, VELORIO, with author (08), in a virtual event hosted by TODAY at 3pm ET:

    Amosar este fío
  21. rechouchiou
    7 de xan.

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