Powerboat Intermediate
An excellent 2-day course for powerboaters looking to broaden their horizons. It is also a great stepping stone for people wanting to complete their RYA Advanced exam and RYA Powerboat Instructors Course. This course includes planning and executing a passage.
Subjects covered are:
- Planning A Day Cruise
- Pilotage
- Navigation
- Boat Handling & Preparation
- Passage Making
- Man Overboard
On this course you will drive our 6.8m RIB 'No Worries' with a massive 175HP engine! We will look at more advanced navigational techniques including using the GPS at high-speed. We develop people's driving skills for handling in heavy weather.
Course Objective: You will be able to plan and execute short coastal passages by day.
Prerequisite: Powerboat RYA Level 2
Course Dates
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