Kids Wakeboard Courses

Kids Wakeboarding at Lagoon Wake Park, Brighton

The best way for kids and youths to start or improve wakeboarding is with BWSW Cutting Edge courses at Hove Lagoon. These British Waterski & Wakeboard Courses are designed to introduce and progress young wakeboarders. Courses are run on System 2.0 Wakeboard cables at Hove Lagoon, Brighton. Each course includes full tuition, all equpiment hire and stacks of fun ! We recommend kids are age 10, but for younger kids we can offer private sessions.

Kids Learn to Wakeboard Course - BWSW Bronze course is the perfect choice. See Tab above. 

Kids Improvers Course - - BWSW Silver course guides kids to the next level. See Tab above. 

Kids Advanced Course - BWSW Gold course takes youth wakeboarding to the high level. See Tab above. 

Lagoon Wake Park, Brighton is the perfect place for children to learn to wakeboard :

  • The water is shallow so kids can stand and rest at any point
  • Small so the water does not get rough and kids can easily get to the sides.
  • Hove Lagoon centre is inspected by AALA, BWSW and the RYA.
  • Excellent clubhouse facilities with Café and free wireless internet.
  • Staff are  qualified, friendly, experienced, approachable and CRB checked.
  • Water quaility is monoitored regularly by the Environment Agency and brighton and Hove City Council

Once kids have complete the Bronze award they are welcome to practice at our Tantrums Youth Wakeboard Club and join in our Ride sessions.





Kids BWSW Bronze Award

Wakeboarding is a bit like skateboarding but on water. The kids will love it. It is  great fun and relatively easy. Still not sure? Why not pop down to Hove Lagoon and take a look or have a look at this video.
The Kids BWSW Bronze Award course is the perfect way to learn to wakeboard and using the  BWSW Cutting Edge programme our professional BWSW instructors will soon have you up and riding the cable wakeboarding system.

All specialised equipment is provided, including wetsuits.

SAVE £35 on the  BWSW Silver Award course which runs on Wednesday and Thursday. We recommend combining this course with the the BWSW Silver Award. To claim your discount once you have added this course to your shopping basket just click to 'continue shopping' and select the Kids BWSW Silver Award course and you will receive a £35 discount.

Duration : 2 X three and a half hour sessions

Course Content :
  • Basic stance     
  • Dock starting   
  • Starting from the water       
  • Riding in a straight line  
  • Turning around.

Course objective : You will be able to wakeboard on a System 2.0 cable system and will be ready to move on to the BWSW Cutting Edge Silver Award.

Prerequisite: None, age 10+ 

Please make sure you read our booking terms and conditions and understand our cancellation policy.

Course Dates

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Kids BWSW Silver Award

The BWSW Cutting Edge Silver program is the perfect way to improve wakeboard skills to the level where kids will be able to attempt small jumps. We will work towards the BWSW Cutting Edge Silver Award. This will open up a whole new world of tricks and skills. Using our cable wakeboarding system and professional BWSW instruction we can guarantee fun and rapid improvement . 

All specialised equipment is provided, including wetsuits.

Duration : 2 X three and a half hour sessions

Course Content :
  • Improved stance    
  • Surface 180   
  • Riding switch      
  • Cornering switch stance  
  • Popping a jump
  • 180 air

Course objective : Your wakeboarding will improve and you will have made significant progress towards the BWSW Cutting Edge Silver Award. You will now be able to attend the Kids Tantrums Wakeboard Club and the one hour ride sessions.

Prerequisite: Wakeboard to Bronze Award Standard, age 10+ 

Please make sure you read our booking terms and conditions and understand our cancellation policy.

Course Dates

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Kids BWSW Gold Award

The BWSW Cutting Edge Gold course takes kids wakeboard skills to a high level. We will work towards the BWSW Cutting Edge Gold Award. Using our System 2.0 cable wakeboarding system and professional BWSW instruction we can guarantee fun and rapid improvement.

The course includes all tuition and equipment hire, including wetsuits.

Duration : 2 x three and a half hour sessions

Course Content :

Introduction to Sliders
Introduction to advance tricks

Couse objective : Introduce kids to a whole range of advanced wakeboarding tricks. Improve skills to become a more consistent and fluid rider.

Prerequisite : Age 10 plus, able to wakeboard to BWSW Silver standard.

Please make sure you read our booking terms and conditions and understand our cancellation policy

Course Dates

For details click on the date.
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