Instructor Work Experience Programme

Once you have gained your qualifications, consider applying for our work experience. This programme is designed for level 1 instructors who want to gain valuable work experience at the National Watersports Centre.

The programme is open to anyone who holds at least one waterbased instructor qualification and runs for a period of six months. It includes a PAID monthly living allowance and full board and accommodation.

It is a fantastic opportunity to see how a large centre operates and you will get the chance to develop your confidence and instructional style under the careful guidance of our senior instructional team. During your time with us, you will also get the opportunity to gain further qualifications.

What is included?

  • PAID monthly living allowance
  • Full board and accommodation (or non-resident)
  • Wide range of work experience within different departments of the centre
  • Training opportunities in sailing, windsurfing & kayaking
  • Training and assessment fees paid for
  • Use of specialist training equipment
  • Free use of the centres leisure facilities - gym, swimming pool, mountain bike track, rock room

Applying for the Programme

We have two intakes for this programme each year; in the Spring and the Autumn.

If you would like to apply for this programme, please complete the application form below.

*denotes required field