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Hotels in Manchester

Salford Quays Manchester

Looking for a cheap hotel in Manchester? Manchester is one of Britain's largest cities, with an almost never-ending amount of attractions to visit and enjoy - not to mention all the history the city has to offer. So, whichever one of our Manchester hotels you decide to visit there will be something for everyone.

Travelodge has the best cheap hotels in Manchester in all the most convenient locations, meaning the city's most important and most visited attractions will often be right on your doorstep. If you're travelling to Manchester for a weekend away - perhaps for shopping or to watch the football - then you might prefer one of our central Manchester hotels right in the heart of the city. Of course, we have plenty of hotels all over so no matter what your reasons for visiting this great city, with its excellent transport links you'll never be too far from where you need to be.

Or perhaps you simply need a budget Manchester hotel to break up a long journey, in which case why not check out our Manchester Didsbury Travelodge hotel.

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1 to 5 of 13 Hotels
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Manchester Ancoats

£62 per room per night

0.4 miles away from Manchester

Manchester Central

£65 per room per night

0.4 miles away from Manchester

Manchester Central Arena

£79 per room per night

0.7 miles away from Manchester

Manchester Upper Brook Street

£56 per room per night

1.4 miles away from Manchester

Manchester Salford Quays

£45 per room per night

1.8 miles away from Manchester

1 to 5 of 13 Hotels
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Book Hotels in Manchester

With hotels right in Manchester City Centre and in the suburbs too - whatever your reason to be in Manchester, we can provide a place to stay that suits you. We'll also guarantee you a fantastic night's sleep at an excellent rate - leaving you fully charged and ready for the next day.

Whether it's a leisure break, business, a weekend out with mates or visiting family - then look out for our Travelodge hotels in Manchester - a place to stay that is suitably located at a more than suitable price.

Things to do in Manchester

Staying at one of Travelodge's excellent cheap hotels in Manchester puts you in an ideal place. Whichever one of our hotels in Manchester you choose we can assure you of a fantastic night's sleep at a brilliant rate.

Manchester is an unbelievable destination for history, shopping and sporting achievements. Travelodge's cheap hotels in the centre of and around Manchester provide an excellent place to stay so you don't miss a thing whilst visiting. The Manchester Central hotel just off Deansgate is conveniently located between the People's History Museum, the Phillips art gallery and the Museum of Science and History. If it's entertainment you're after our Manchester Ancoats hotel is perfect for you. Situated in Manchester's Northern Quarter next to Piccadilly station the MEN arena is only a stone's throw away and there are many restaurants to wine and dine at.