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Voyage of Discovery

The Cirdan Sailing Trust specialises in enabling groups of young people, particularly those who are disadvantaged in some way, to experience the challenge and adventure of life at sea on large sailing vessels.

The experience and benefits gained can clearly be measured against desired outcomes as highlighted by our youth leaders. Amongst these are developments in self-confidence, sense of achievement, team building, tolerance, facing challenges and sense of responsibility. Recent evaluation of the benefits gained from Cirdan's Voyage of Discovery indicate that our youth leaders consider that significant or moderate developments were gained in these areas at an average level of 90% and above.

We sail from various ports around the UK including Portsmouth, Burnham, Lowestoft, Ipswich and North Shields. See Where we sail from.

Young people generally come in groups with their youth leaders. They live and work alongside our professional crew taking a full and active part in running the vessel. To find out what to expect and what to bring see Prepare to sail.

We also run voyages suitable for Duke of Edinburgh Gold residentials, Adult and Individual charters. Occasionally we run corporate training and entertainment charters which can be arranged to coincide with large events such as Cowes Week. Our vessels also participate in prestigious youth sailing events such as the Small Ships' Races and the more challenging Tall Ships' Race.

We operate a Voyage of Discovery Fund to assist groups of young people unable to afford the full cost of a sailing charter.


Falmouth to Greenwich
Tall Ships Regatta

Berths available
See Charters.


Other charters
DofE Gold Residentials
Family and Friends
See Charters.

"I could visibly see the young people grow in confidence and stature with every achievement".
More Feedback

Young people can transform their lives through the experience of living and working on board a large vessel.
See Youth Charters.

Find out what to expect and what to bring.
See Prepare to sail

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