
The size of Rutland Water ensures plenty of enjoyable sailing, but the Club's basic aim is to transform this enjoyment into very much more by providing the right level of facilities for all its members. There can be few inland waters which genuinely boast of cruising but Rutland Water does and members can spend a whole day on the water. The size of Rutland Water ensures that leisure sailors can enjoy their gentle sport without tangling with the racing fraternity - even when a major Open Meeting and two Club Series races are in progress. Cruising doesn't need a day-boat or cruiser; many members explore the lake in dinghies such as the ever-popular Mirror and Wayfarer.


The club has an active racing scene, more information here.


Rutland Sailing Club is an RYA Recognised Training Establishment and Club Classes and Fleets run their own training programmes. The RYA hold their winter training for Olympic squads and Classes at the Club; the RAF Sailing Association train their boardsailors here; RYA Sailability train their Paralympic Team on our water and we train our own coxwains and rescue boat drivers. The Club is an ideal location for Class Weeks with first class equipment and sheltered tideless waters. The late John Merricks, 1996 Olympic Silver Medal 470 helm, learned to sail with us.

Rutland Sailing School provide tuition at all levels. They have a range of new and modern boats for hire. Tel: 01780 721999
Various courses are offered to the members throughout the year.


Sailing times are from half an hour after sunrise until half an hour before sunset.

Fully paid up members can receive a gate pass on payment of a deposit, to enable them to gain access on any day of the year except for Christmas Day.

Opening times vary according to the season but the main gate is opened at 8.30 each morning. There is a board at the gate displaying the time at which the gate will be closed. During winter, the gates may be locked as early as 5pm but in summer they are usually open until 6pm and until 11pm on Thursday evenings after Club racing.

A gate key may be issued on payment of a deposit for those who wish to be on site later. However, members need to be aware that the Clubhouse and facilities will be locked.

There is a rescue facility at weekends and on Thursday evenings from the middle of April until the middle of September - check Calendar for exact dates.

During the winter months, members are asked to inform the Boatswain if they are going out on the water.

Sailing is at members' own risk.

© Copyright Rutland Sailing Club Ltd 2013
Rutland Sailing Club, Gibbet Lane, Edith Weston, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 8HJ.
Tel 01780 720292
Registered in England. Company No. 1101017. VAT No. 281 7943 27