

Four races completed today. Please find final day results here

This years first newsletter can be found here

As you may be aware, we have received a grant from Sport England's Inspired Facilities Programme to renovate parts of the gents changing rooms to create some family changing areas as well as renovate the shower and toilet area. The work started on Monday 3 February and has now largely been completed (as of 28 Feb) and all facilities are working again.  There are a few minor jobs to complete during the week commencing 3 March to finish the project and we will be replacing the lighting in the gents and ladies changing rooms with low energy movement sensored lighting this week as well.

We have appreciated your co-operation during these essential works and everything should be completed by Friday 7 March.



The new Club Manager has been appointed, he is Hugh Neill, who will start in his new post on Monday 17 February.  Hugh is a member of the club who lives in Belton-in-Rutland and may be known to some of you as one of the crew on Formula One, Whiskey Mac.  This appointment follows interviews with a dozen candidates from some 30 applications.  We are sure that members will give Hugh a warm welcome and be considerate while he takes over from Bruce Bonar; Bruce leaves his post on Friday 7 March.

Nick Clarke

Club Commodore

 A much more pleasant day on day 2 for the Tiger Trophy Pursuit race; overall results available here (updated 1640 03/02/14)

Ed Connellan & Will Alloway from RSC in a 29er won the Pursuit Race and the overall Tiger Trophy - well done guys!  Val Millward wins the Lady Tiger Trophy in her Challenger and Andy Dring & Simon Laken win the Shere Khan Trophy in their Laser 2000.  29 club boats entered the which is an amazing effort so well done everyone!

Event report available here

Photographs available here 

Photos from Richard Johnson available here

Photos from Paul Williamson here

Photos from Paul Manning here

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© Copyright Rutland Sailing Club Ltd 2013
Rutland Sailing Club, Gibbet Lane, Edith Weston, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 8HJ.
Tel 01780 720292
Registered in England. Company No. 1101017. VAT No. 281 7943 27