Mobile Support

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Updates from Twitter Mobile Support.

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  1. Retwitteado por

    Do you think photos make Tweets more noticeable or interesting? Why do you add photos to your Tweets? Send us your thoughts:

  2. Retwitteado por

    We just released a new version of the Twitter for iPhone app today! Tweet to give us your feedback

  3. We just released a new version of the Twitter for Android app today! Tweet to give us your feedback.

  4. Retwitteado por

    Just launched a new version of Twitter for iOS featuring a new look with conversations! Tweet to let us know what you think!

  5. Retwitteado por

    We just launched a new version of Twitter for Android featuring a new look with conversations! Tweet with your feedback!

  6. Android download issues are now resolved! Please try downloading the new version of Twitter for Android and let us know what you think!

  7. Twitter for iPhone users, it's your turn to tell us how you're enjoying the iPhone app! Tweet to us with to let us know!

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