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Sam Rothermel
37 followers|9,956 views


Does anyone have issues with videos and orientation? I don't notice it quite as much as my wife as she takes a lot more, but I have seen at least one video I've taken recently that saved improperly. Hers are all over the first I was going to blame her allergy to technology, but it does appear to be the phone that's doing the weirdness (I've watched her take a video, holding the phone with the lens to the left; in her gallery, the video may be oriented portrait, sideways, even upside down).

At first I wanted to blame auto-upload, but the videos in the camera gallery itself seem to prove the phone is just saving them incorrectly. I've no idea why this is...more frustrating is the fact that many of these videos can't be fixed (there's no re-orienting a video as far as I can tell; granted I haven't looked too hard). For background, my X is on Verizon and my wife's is with +Republic Wireless. Both phones are as fully up to date as can be.
Travis Ridenour's profile photoGreg Abbott's profile photoSam Rothermel's profile photo
Well, it looks like G+ may be to the rescue. I didn't think you could rotate videos, but it looks like it's possible through the web (on Android it's a no go). I went through a bunch and re-oriented them, it says they are now "processing" so I'll check in later on to see if they're fixed.
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Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality!
J Aufdem-Brinke's profile photo
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I'm not a programmer by any means, but holy crap is this diatribe hilarious.

From +Nicolas Klein 
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Seems like G+ spam is on the rise...

My new profile that is shared very little (to my knowledge) in the few days I've been using it has been added to many a suspect account over the last few days. I report most of these and block with abandon (as usual) but it seems a strange occurrence that I rarely saw with my old profile (somewhere along the line my original profile was shared in an Android circle that many people added, so I was used to seeing a fair amount of circling activity; and yes, some that was spammy too).

Lots of junk comments I've seen and reported too lately, especially on heavily followed accounts like +Android and +Google Play. Certainly some spam is the norm and we peons must fight with the tools we are given, but it seems uncharacteristically higher lately.
Sam Rothermel's profile photoDavid Kutcher's profile photoBrandon Rivera's profile photo
+David Kutcher, good info, I didn't know that. I usually have saved blocking for the truly heinous accounts. Seems odd that on one hand they would almost advocate for blocking and make it pretty easy (from the dropdown direct on someone's profile) but then count it against you? I don't have a ton of people circled in general.
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Sam Rothermel

Discussion  - 
Looks like these guys got Chromecast support. Very interesting.
The native Android tablet app is here!!! (Well, it's on the Google Play store...) Yes, this does include Chromecast support :D  

When searching on the Play store, look for 'Nuvyyo' vs 'Tablo'... For some reason it doesn't pop up right away under Tablo.
Enjoy free HDTV your way, with just a touch of your tablet. Tablo is the fi...
Juan Sutton's profile photoMarcel Ulbrich's profile photoChromecastWORLD's profile photoSam Rothermel's profile photo
+Jim Jensen i am curious. Before I block your negativity for good, I just want to know, are you actually a very rude grumpy man or is this like a "thing" you do on the Internet, like a character? 
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Have him in circles
37 people
Erin Rothermel's profile photo
Travis Mecum's profile photo

Sam Rothermel

Android 4.4 (KitKat)  - 
True or false?

Using Hangouts as your default SMS app results in having a certain subset of sounds for a Hangouts message vs. SMS message (and they are not the same choices).
Sam Rothermel's profile photoTravis McDowell's profile photojon allen's profile photo
+Sam Rothermel Ahhh OK. I didn't know that. That really is strange...
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+Brian Grey, this is a thing??
Happy National #Homebrew Day everyone!

I'll be brewing a White House Honey Ale later today with +Kevin Marshall. What will you brew?

Brian Grey's profile photo
I... Didn't know...
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I'm boggled that using the stock charger plug with a random USB cable makes the Moto X charge much more slowly than with both the stock charger/cable combo. I can understand the charger being necessary, but the cable?? Is this just a coincidence and I have a lousy cable? So far I've tried both of the ports in the stock charger and the result seems to be about the same.
Billy Cheung's profile photoSam Rothermel's profile photoJames Meagher's profile photogenetixs's profile photo
Some of my older Motorola phones USB cables won't charge the newer Motorola phones. It all depends how it's wired.
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Sam Rothermel

commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly  - 
YES. Make DVDs obsolete more faster...pretty easy to queue this up on a Chromecast. Now just let me buy a streaming copy of these movies, George!
A. Duffy Batzer's profile photoNaythan Millya's profile photo
Actually its still up to fox until the DVD rights revert to Disney in 2020 except for Star Wars (its original title not A New Hope) which will belong to Fox forever.
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Sam Rothermel

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+Jacob Rothermel, pretty sure I can count you among the "still haves."
1993 Skull's Eye Schooner... did you have this set? Do you STILL?! Arrr! #ThrowBRICKThursday #TBT #ThrowbackThursday
Jake Rothermel's profile photo

I mean, it's in a box somewhere but up until rather recently it was out and displayed (for the cats to knock over...).
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Have him in circles
37 people
Erin Rothermel's profile photo
Travis Mecum's profile photo
Martial Arts
Kung Fu, Tai Chi
Martial artist, Super Dad, Google Fu
A person is many, many things. You are defined by your actions, thoughts, and activities in life. Don't wait for life to come get you; the person who waits only ends up six feet under with nothing done.

I don't do much posting of my own, but it doesn't mean I won't engage or comment on posts as I browse the +. Always been more of an Internet lurker: see much, say little.
Bragging rights
I've been called a ninja by a five-year-old
Basic Information
Other names
Samas, Sambone, Roadhouse
Apps with Google+ Sign-in
I found the Harrisburg Kung Fu Center by accident many years ago, and I have not regretted being a part of it since. Martial arts here are truly taught as an art form, a practical use of self defense, and as a healthy lifestyle. The training is excellent and the motivation is truly exceptional. Anyone in the area that is serious about trying a martial art should give this center a chance, you will not be disappointed. Highly, highly recommended.
Public - 2 months ago
reviewed 2 months ago
1 review