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Total contribution

Total contribution
Total contribution

Total Contribution is an innovative approach that we have developed to value the economic, social and environmental contribution that our business delivers to the UK.

In our first report titled 'Our Contribution' we explored what we mean by 'contribution' through four case studies and estimated the value of several key indicators including:

  • 94,000 jobs supported
  • £5,233m gross value added contribution to the UK economy
  • 4m tCO2e net emissions averted through activity on our portfolio (more emissions sequestered through forestry and avoided by low carbon energy generation than produced)
  • Over £40m of personal wellbeing calculated from visits to our portfolio.

More importantly we established three important principles of transparency that create a framework for future work:

  • Credit: We have been clear about the amount of credit that we claim, splitting the contribution into our direct activities, the indirect contribution of our supply chain and the contribution that is delivered through our portfolio by others (enabled).
  • Confidence: We have indicated the source of each indicator and therefore the level of confidence of the data.
  • Net Contribution: We aim to capture both positive and negative outcomes from the activities across our portfolio, and to report the resulting net contribution.

Our full methodology is available through the Useful documents section on this page and we welcome your thoughts:

Email us

Or join the conversation at #Total Contribution https://twitter.com/thecrownestate.

We hope that by sharing our learning, and being transparent about our approach we can work together to evolve a framework for measuring the value we create. We will regularly update on our progress and hope that you will join us on this journey.

Further information

At the start of the process we said we would produce regular updates. Please follow the link for the first of these:

Total contribution update November 2013 (PDF, 197 KB)


Get in touch

Email us

Join our conversation: #TotalContribution @TheCrownEstate

Useful documents