@TheKillersStan @visitkarte @barackobama drug abuse is an addiction not a choice educate urself before u run ur mouth
@barb_starr@visitkarte@barackobama so we should legalise it instead of help people get better? That makes a kinds of sense. -
@barb_starr@thekillersstan@barackobama THIS! Addiction is sometimes severe mental illness just like depression & other conditions! -
@barb_starr@thekillersstan@visitkarte@barackobama are you talking about pot?! lmao seriously have you looked at the medical benefits? -
@barb_starr@thekillersstan@barackobama I am not sure she can spell Marihuana. Ergo she can't google it. -
@barb_starr@visitkarte@barackobama I don't care about medical use, I'm speaking strictly recreational. Geez, I have to explain that every -
@barb_starr@visitkarte@barackobama time to you druggies! -
@Visitkarte@barb_starr@barackobama very funny. A journalism major who can't spell. I'm sorry I hate drugs so fucking much. That's my -
@Visitkarte@barb_starr@barackobama opinion now fuck off, you rude cunt. Go get high and fuck yourself up. Bye. -
@barb_starr@TheKillersStan@Visitkarte@BarackObama Drugs Become an addiction. Everyone makes a choice in the begining. -
@mastoyshop@barb_starr@Visitkarte@BarackObama thank you! Someone has a brain. -
@TheKillersStan Thank you for the mention, I think, lol -
@mastoyshop no problem. :) No one else seems to understand my point. -
@mastoyshop Really? Do you have any idea how many try them and how few get addicted?