403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

@JoeMayo Joe Mayo

I finally figured out how to reproduce this:

  1. Log into Twitter with my user account. Make sure I check Remember me.
  2. Run a sample app to perform a normal Web OAuth authentication.
  3. Normally, the authentication screen indicates that I am logged in and I would only see the Authorize button. However, in this case I see an authorization screen that asks for Username and Password with no indication that I'm already logged in.
  4. I fill in Username and Password and click Authorize App.
  5. I receive "403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it." in response to POST https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize HTTP/1.1.

If I log out of my Twitter account, I can authorize with no problem. Also, If I'm logged in, but haven't clicked Remember me, then everything works fine.

Also, this works for ASP.NET MVC, but not ASP.NET Web Forms. They both use the same exact code to build the OAuth signature. Tracing the HTTP traffic, the only difference in the signatures I send to you is that ASP.NET Web Forms (the example with the problem) has a callback url that ends with ".aspx". The other example contains a friendly URL that doesn't indicate a file with a suffix and it works fine. The cookies (keys) also appear to be different between request types.


1 year 4 days ago




34 weeks 59 min ago
@adri_vaz Adri Vazquez

While creating a widget I get the infamous 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Please let me know what can I do to create a widget.

31 weeks 16 hours ago
@pnpmex Plug and Play Mexico

Having the same issue when attempting to create a widget:

"403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it."

Please help!

31 weeks 15 hours ago
@RansdellBrown Ransdell Brown

same here!

31 weeks 15 hours ago
@100pctOM AllezMarseille.cOM

Same thing. Can we have an answer please ?

31 weeks 14 hours ago
@Becaknetwork Becaknetwork

Omg ,Same issue Here . Still wait for Answer

31 weeks 13 hours ago
@lobo022000 juan roberto

Same here

31 weeks 12 hours ago
@PWSInfo Pinewood Springs

Same here :)

31 weeks 12 hours ago
@eurochamber Utah Europe Chamber

I'm getting the same problem when I try to make a widget. I need help!

31 weeks 10 hours ago
@PWSInfo Pinewood Springs

works now for me

31 weeks 9 hours ago
@philps464 Philps

can you describe solution

13 weeks 6 days ago
@iam_bIren Biren Subudhi

Could u let us know how u fixed it ?.. Thanks.

3 weeks 6 days ago
@BHPDev2013 BHP DEv

Same issue for me. I can fix temporarily by creating new keys, I think, but then it comes back. I can log in, but not tweet.

28 weeks 6 days ago
@darrenwFW Darren Webb

any answers on this?

15 weeks 2 days ago
@MuneebZulfee Muneeb Zulfiqar

yes i am also encountering the same problem, i hosted my app on another domain, changed the domain and everything but still getting the error.

14 weeks 1 day ago
@rebensy REBECCA NSI

I have the same problem too. Can't even log in! Pls help

13 weeks 6 days ago
@USRTownSquare Editor

same problem here --started after Jan 14th ---- wordpress post use to tweet automatically (using a plugin) ---now the 403 err occurs each time. can do individual tweets ok ---but the automatic post >>>> twitter stopped working,

13 weeks 5 days ago
@rafnetuk RAF Systems UK

me too im using AI

13 weeks 5 days ago
@tweet_kay CERTIFIED

How do I log in from my blackberry. Telling me the same thing

13 weeks 5 days ago
@khozak Bafana kaofela!

I have a similar problem, even after resetting my password, it still say the request is understood but is refused. I cannot log in on my blackberry and iPad. Please assist

13 weeks 2 days ago
@Pelham12345 Pelham

I fixed this by making sure I was logged out of twitter

6 days 22 hours ago