


Internet Hacker

Sydney, Australia ·


  1. Wow, some pretty epic BH USA submissions this year, going to be some great talks

  2. Yeah, a lot of it is a bit hazy now, but I remember some if it still. Also, Auslan and NZ SL is nearly the same

  3. yeah, also they neglect to mention that heartbleed would've been largely useless for quite a lot of that time

  4. probably misleading. Might include contractors, devs making fuzzing/SA tools/etc

  5. Wow, a deluge of people commenting on Heartbleed in various media outlets. Perhaps we should ask Neel for his thoughts some time, eh? :)

  6. Yeah a statement about how many servers are using OpenSSL rather than how many using vulnerable OpenSSL is misleading

  7. Yeah possibly true also, would need to see some stats - I'm sure someone has some already

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