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 A triumphant and emotional Sir Chris Hoy today began the next phase of his life after securing a sixth Olympic gold medal.    A triumphant and emotional Sir Chris Hoy today began the next phase of his life after securing a sixth Olympic gold medal. 

 The 36-year-old from Edinburgh won Keirin gold as Great Britain finished competition at the London 2012 Velodrome with seven gold medals from 10 events. 

 The Glasgow Commonwealth Games at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome in 2014 is the carrot in front of him that will motivate him to compete in two years time. 

 "The dream scenario is to have that as my swansong, to be there for the Commonwealth Games, but it's a big ask, it's two more years," he said. 

 "I'll take a few months off the bike completely. I'm just looking forward to having a normal life now for the next couple of months and spending time with my wife (Sarra), being able to enjoy a drink or two, going out to play golf. 

 "I wouldn't be continuing doing this at the age of 36 if I didn't love it, but it is hard work, so two more years is a big ask. 

 "But there couldn't be a bigger draw than a home Commonwealth Games." 

 Hoy was tearful as he stepped on to the top step of the Olympic podium for a sixth time, surpassing Sir Steve Redgrave's previous best. 

 Redgrave was in the Velodrome and embraced Hoy afterwards. 

 Hoy added: "In terms of Steve Redgrave, he's still the greatest. Just because you have six gold medals, doesn't mean to say you're better than he is. 

 "He did it in five consecutive Games and when you realise how much goes into those four years... for him to do that five times, he's the greatest. Until someone does that six times consecutively, he's still the greatest. 

 "I was a rower as a schoolboy and to have somebody like Steve here to congratulate me, it's quite surreal. 

 "I couldn't have wished for a better end to it all." 

 Hoy was emotional watching Felix Sanchez from the Dominican Republic in tears when he won the 400m Hurdles on Monday night and had a similar moment himself on the top step of the podium. 

 Hoy added: "I was just trying to hold it together. It dawns on you 'this is it'. 

 "People see the finished product, they see the gold medals. They don't realise just how hard it is. 

 "All these days you've doubted it, been injured, ill, your form hasn't been there, races you've lost. 

 "The way the British team has performed here it almost looks like it's easy. It's anything but. 

 "It shows you what it means to the athletes. It's raw emotion. It's the pinnacle of everything you've worked for and you realise that's your little mark in history." 

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