Embedding a Tweet on your website or blog

Want to embed a Tweet on your website? You’re in luck! Twitter has made it possible for you to display fully functional Tweets on your website or blog in a few simple steps. At the bottom of all Tweet permalink pages, you will now find a Tweet embed link that contains simple embed code that can be copied and pasted to your website.

To embed a Tweet on your website or blog:

  1. Click Embed this Tweet, located at the bottom of any Tweet permalink page.
  2. Select HTMLShortcode, or Link from the pop-up dialog box.
  3. Copy and paste the code provided in the dialog box into your blog or website.

The Tweet embed code can be used to display all kinds of Tweets, including Tweets with photos and videos, as well as Tweets that are part of a conversation (@replies). Take a look:

Single Tweet

Simple Conversation



Embedded Media


Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I embed a Tweet that contains a photo, video, or other media?

Yes! But only photos from pic.twitter.com and videos from YouTube will be automatically displayed on embedded Tweets.

What if the Tweet I want to embed is part of a conversation (an @reply)?

When the embedded Tweet is an @reply, one previous Tweet will be displayed above the @reply. Permalinks will be available on both Tweets, but Tweet actions (reply, retweet, and favorite) will only be available on the @reply.

Can I embed a Tweet from a user who chooses to protect their Tweets?

Embed code is not available for Tweets from users who choose to protect their Tweets.

What if a user deletes a Tweet after it has been embedded on another website? Similarly, what happens to Tweets from users that change their Tweets from public to protected (or become suspended)?

In all of these cases, Twitter branding and Tweet actions will be removed from the embedded Tweet, but the content of the Tweet will still be visible.

For more information on deepening your website’s integration of Twitter features, visit http://dev.twitter.com.

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