An Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation
Olympic Games
27 July - 12 August 2012
The Official International Sailing Federation Olympic Games Website
London 2012

Start Sailing

Sailing is one of the world's most popular sports enjoyed by young and old. There are many different types of sailing and boats that you can get involved in and it is this variety that makes sailing truly a sport for life. There are opportunities around the world to get into sailing, be it on the sea, on a lake or on a river and through ISAF's Member National Authorities - the national governing bodies around the world - you can find out about sailing clubs, sailing schools or boats for sale in your area.

So, how do I start?

The best way to start is to find your local sailing club. If you contact the ISAF Member National Authority (MNA) for your country (just go to to find out how to contact them), they'll be able to give you a list of clubs in your area and advice about sail training programmes that they have to offer.

Many sailing clubs have open days to give new comers the opportunity to try sailing with experienced club members or intstructors.

However you get into sailing, the first thing to remember is to have fun and be safe.

Keelboat - Sails - Spars
Dinghy - Bow - Sterm
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