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    Team Blog


    Dec 23 2010

    Cadiz Camp

    Over the last 10 days we have been out near Cadiz at Puerto Sherry, which is going to be our base for the rest of our winter training. It’s a really nice part of  Spain where practically no one speaks English,  but there is a lot of great food and the weathers not that bad either.
    Dec 23 2010

    Busy couple of months in Australia

    By the time I leave Australia in January it will have effectively been my home for two months.
    Dec 21 2010

    Pyrenees adventures

    It's been a tough but fun week in Font Remou!
    Dec 18 2010

    Cadiz 49er training

    Well we have been here in Cadiz for seven days now and are having a little rest day today, so I thought it would be a good time to write up our blog. Puerto Santa Maria in Cadiz will be our training base for the next three months. It hasn't changed much since we were here for the ISAF Worlds in 2003.
    Dec 16 2010

    2010 X Country Ski Camp

    The camp started well... at least everyone made the very early flight from Gatwick (just!), and on arrival to Barcelona our mini bus was ready waiting to take us the 220km to Font Romeu, where the French National Centre for Altitude Training (CNEA) is based.
    Dec 10 2010

    Excited For Winter

    After an end of season break it was time to get back into training and what better way, than to head to Perth, Australia the venue of the 2011 Worlds.
    Dec 1 2010

    Big Friday

    Well what a month, we trained a wee bit by ourselves early in October which was really good and managed to get quite a few hours in which is a bonus at this time of year! During the last few weeks we have also been hitting the old gymski hard and are all suffering with general soreness from working the guns to hard! But this all lead up to the Italian squad coming over and having a week of intense training with us on the water.

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