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    Team Blog


    Nov 23 2011

    Finn Squad Movember Update

    Mark Andrews updates us on the Team GB Finn Squads Movember efforts;
    Nov 23 2011

    Match Racers head Down Under

    Within The space of just a few days we are going to be experiencing completely different climates this week!
    Nov 15 2011

    A different Christmas in store

    We’ve been back on the water in Weymouth, and getting used to the boat again, this week after having three weeks off. It’s been a full on year for Saskia and I.
    Nov 8 2011

    Finn squad does Movember

    I'm currently training with The Finn squad out in Perth, Australia ahead of the ISAF World Championships and we have decided to grow moustache’s to help raise funds for The Prostate Cancer Charity.
    Nov 1 2011

    Mandevilles story

    After what feels like years, our new boat, Mandeville is finally ready! Well I say finally ready, we’ve still got loads to do to get her near to racing standard, and as with all new high performance toys, they take a while to get used to!

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