
SilverSky is dedicated to protecting law firms and other legal organizations from cyber attacks and client information loss. Law firms hold sensitive information within their networks, and that information needs to be guarded with the utmost security available. Security breaches to a law firm can lead to lawsuits, damage to reputation, and loss of sensitive information; however, law firms are often less equipped to secure their infrastructure and communications as effectively as the clients that they represent.

Your Partner in Protecting Client Information

Our solutions help law firms exercise a high standard of care that shows reasonable efforts have been taken to protect sensitive client information. Although many law firms do not have to adhere to specific compliance regulations, their biggest customers are often financial institutions that must meet strict regulatory guidelines, including Federal Financial Institutions Council (FFIEC) and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).

Law firms and legal organizations differ in size and nature, but all of the following have one thing in common: protecting their client information from attack:

  • Small firms

    We protect private law firms from data breaches and sensitive data loss by acting as their IT security team. Private law firms typically do not have the in-house security expertise to successfully secure their network and communications from the outside world, and they shouldn’t have to. From utilizing our managed UTM solution for a secure firewall connection, to moving their critical communications to our cloud with hosted Exchange, small private law firms can rest easy knowing they have a trusted advisor as an extension of their own security staff.

  • Large firms

    Publicly traded companies must comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to increase accountability, facilitate reporting, and ensure financial audits remain independent and accurate. With our Log Management solution, SOX compliance is automated and streamlined, saving companies thousands of man-hours while easing the financial strains of compliance.

  • Law firms for financial services

    Financial institutions handle sensitive information that is required to be protected by regulatory compliance mandates. Financial companies that adhere to FFIEC, GLBA, and SEC regulatory guidelines expect that the legal organizations that represent them keep their clients’ information secure.

SilverSky is committed to protecting law firms’ assets and network, while they continue to focus on what’s important: running their legal organization.

Solutions for Law Firms